Saturday, December 25, 2004

Ho Ho Ho, And Away We Go!

Was working at the shop today till 4pm, but mostly was fooling around with my colleagues, the shop being a warzone for stressballs and boycott to the manager. Locked him up in the office, without the key, and kept throwing the stressballs over his head...good fun. (: Later went over to Viqui´s for big dinner, with Yuko, Marta and Asia. Marta made a huge african dish she learnt from her ex-boyfriend, was soooooooooooo fucking good, and Viqui made a proper Spanish omelette. It was a night of laughter and fun, good food and good friends. Got a present from Nikolas, Shoko, and Viqui got me a small mirror ball too. Yuko and Joe gave out cards, but I felt bad that I didn´t get anyone anything,...maybe I should for the new year..mmm..I´m glad though, for these dinners have brought me much closer to my little ´Erik Snook´ family. Everyone has to be a tad bit insane to be working at that I know for sure that they are!

Would love to write more, if my world weren´t effectively swirling around me....

Beijos(kisses)... x Merry Christmassss everybodyyyyyy!

Monday, December 20, 2004

One Week Till Christmas

One more week,and it's strange to see people getting into the swing of things. The pretty lights, the joyous faces, the pine trees popping out everywhere! It's been very busy at the shop, and basically sometimes it's so bad, that I can't breathe!

Won't be doing much blogging for maybe the next few weeks when the library closes for Christmas, and I'd be too busy working my ass off in the shop on other days. Am quite tired, but I have to bide my time, plus, the extra cash will be handy.

It's getting very chilly here, with the temperature going to 7 deg, and it's fucking freezing in the mornings! I wish they'd invent a nose warmer, it'll be such a useful thing to have!

Lately aquired new cds: Lisa Leob's 'The Way It Really Is', although I really wanted 'Cake And Pie', but couldn't find it. Also, Everclear's 'So Much For The Afterglow'.

Besides that, everything is mundane, soggy and cold. Basically normal- it's just London in the winter.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Getting To Know You...

Progress; coming home last Saturday after such a chaotic day at work, came home to find my Greek housemate, Cecily, hanging around in the kitchen. We started chatting, and I sincerely feel like this decision I made to move in with strangers was totally the right one! We chatted non-stop, about everything, and she was cool with me hanging out in her room and watching tv. She's gone home yesterday, till the 9th of January, so it'll be a month till I see her again, and then we can start carrying out our little plan of decorating the house! In the meanwhile, she lets me use her room for tv and the phone, which is a landline that I will be sharing with her. She's such a sweet person, although very unassuming, and often, sounding very dead-pan, she's more sincere than most of the chattier people I've met! Mike, the guy who lives next to my room, I bugged yesterday to help me set up my furniture, and he was such a big help, though I had to do it mostly by myself, but he let me use his room, which was bigger, hence, more space to move around, and helped me with bits I couldn't manage, while commenting about the crap that was on tv. They're both a bit more on the quiet side, but funny, when they do talk...I'm glad I live there.
So far, so good.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Rewind, Erase, Play

I seriously think I have to QC my entries are starting to not make sense!
I realized that there are things that I have to do in life, that not neccessarily please other people, but for the sake of my sanity, work it out till I'm happy. Like the crit that I had yesterday, which I totally hated, because nothing the woman tutor said made any sense, which was totally unconstructive. So I decided, I came back today, for ANOTHER crit, with a different tutor, and I feel so much more justified by it, all my hard work for the past 4 weeks wasn't for nothing. So I'm glad I came back and had my say in it.

Moving into my new place was the best birthday present that I could ever give myself, considering the amazing state of the house, with the unused living room with the chenille sofas, all for me, the gigantic kitchen, the amazing bathroom with the power shower, the closed in back garden, and of course, the open terrace!

My day started of really crap, with me taking the wrong bus around london, since the tube at South Wimbeldon station was closed off due to some fault, and I had to figure a way to get to school, from an area I was totally unfamilliar with. I ended up on the bus for an hour and a half, ending up where I started from, and almost late for my crit... And then,...god,..I don't want to talk about it!

Fonecalls are a lifesaver, and thank you, my one particular friend who bothered to listen, for I know I'm such a pain, but after our conversation, I just feel lighter, since all the bad has been flushed out. I'm definately getting a landline hopefully sometime soon...

Everything after that began looking up...Goncalo got me a Keith Haring book, which I have never come across, all with my obsession with him since years ago, so if you're reading this, THANK YOUUUUUUUU LOgggyyyy!!! *Hugz*! Hehee... Although, can I still get the P*X*R one for Christmas? heeeeeheeeee... (:

Big thanks to my new friend Trevor, haa haa...for the move, for it would not have been possible without your help, erratic driving, and your car(Nice work on the piglet, but you still can't have it! d:). The drive to Central was just great, with all of you, and although it was mostly silly and impulsive, I thought the whacky adventure summed up the whole day perfectly. I have not slept more soundly since I got back from summer, and I woke up feeling truly happy for once. Especially after discovering that the bathroom had a POWER shower, which is really relaxing...almost like a massage. But today..the headache begins....taking the things out of their boxes...which can be pretty fun too. Am going for a movie later on at Peckham Cineplex, coz we are going to 'Bridget Jones' today, having put it off for so long.
Now I feel more at ease, with everything FINALLY falling into place, and I can slowly start afresh. This, is my new proper beginning, and I am satisfied.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Then again, I take it back... I´m just not 22 anymore. But a year, what difference does it make? The days feel the same, there isn´t anything special that will change my life, besides the fact that I have lost another year of my life. Ok, so the difference is, this year, I decided to move into my new place on my birthday, it´s my unofficial last day of term, since it is my final crit for the project, and well, that is basically it. I just want to be home, in the safety of my lime-coloured walls, and the sound of my mother busy in the kitchen...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Degenerating, Decomposing...

I just wished the world would slowly collapse, or for me to stumble upon a windfall, and head home. Yes, misery is all encompassing on the eve of turning 23. Call it dramatics, or whatever you please, there is no joy in knowing I have come so far, and yet, it feels like I´ve been made a fool, moving around in circles,like a stupid dog, chasing my own tail. I seriously do not know where it goes from here, though the thought of not knowing somehow excites me, I think I´m probably just burnt out from the events of the past month. I have been a total bitch, an introvert, a cold person, totally demented, a bundle of nerves, homeless, confused,...but not one of this emotions indicate something bordering on true happiness. I only want a new beginning, and for this all to end, so I can have a piece of mind. Perhaps the holidays will be a great help. I need breathing space.

Out There - Sister Hazel

´If it's to be
That there's just no one for me
I'll try not to cry much
So no one will see
But if it's to be
That there is anyone for me
Our hearts will shine
So everyone will see
I've got some time,
So maybe if you're free
I could use a friend
Just to talk to me

Spent most of my life without
Anyone near
Never cared what happened
I never saw clear
But I'm getting older now
And I'm, thinking of my end
And to leave without love
Or without a friend
I've got some time
So maybe if you are free
I could use a friend

Before I die

It's not over yet...
I'm still standing ´

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Reporting LIVE From Greenpickle Station @ Gonçalo´s Room...

12:37am, and what am I doing? Online,since I got back from work and dinner with Hwee Li. Dinner was fab, at Bella Italia,Covent Garden, and the ice cream..mmmmmm... thanks for the treat, babes. She also bought me a little knitted covered hot-water bottle in red with a little white heart in the middle for my birthday...very cute!!! It will be my faithful friend on nights like this...with the pain that is my period cramps...being a woman is such a hassle(GOD! I knew I should have been born a boy...)!

Internet is such a distraction, especially when I´m halfway through my last essay, and at 409 words, I literally have to depend on my talent for bullshitting to come close to completion. Thing is, you can´t lie when you´re writing on a really famous pop artist who is dead...Aaargh....3 more days to submissions, and I´d be free!!!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

There's Someone I've Been Thinking Of...

Perhaps I didn't explain the last song (The Way It Really Is) very well.I have been missing someone I shouldn't. I guess this means that I am still hurting. But it explained me so well,...I couldn't help myself.
Pity he doesn't even bother or care.

"The Way It Really Is"

I kept talking to myself
I had to get the words out of my head
So I did
You barely said a thing
You kind of heard me out and then you said

You said:
"You're crazy, why do you keep doing this?
Everything is fine."
Then I think, I'm crazy
I do this all the time
Until I start to think that nothing's even wrong

Maybe I am
Hiding in my own confusion
Maybe we're just
A picture in my head
Maybe what if it could be
The way I wish it really was
Maybe I don't wanna see it
The way it really is

Sometimes your intentions
Are totally impossible to read
What does that mean?
Sometimes even I
Have no idea what I need
I wish I did.

I'm crazy
Why do I keep doing this?
Everything is fine.
Then you think I'm crazy
I do this all the time
Until I start to think
That something's really wrong

Looking out my window
At the big blue sky
Lazy sun shining and so I run outside
To look for you
I look for you
And then it starts to rain

Maybe I am
Is that the way it really is?
Maybe we're just
A picture in my head
Maybe what if it could be
The way I wish it really was
Maybe I don't want to see it
The way it really is'

Lisa Loeb

Someplace To Call My Own

I have to find a place soon. Being homeless for about a week now isn't very pleasant.
All I want is a place to call my own. And so Lisa took it right out of my mouth again.

I Wish- Lisa Loeb

'I wish for a place
where the earth doesn't shake
and if the world won't be still, then I will
and my friends can be my family,
and they will be my company
then I'll take them to a party and we'll have fun.

Can you tell me if I'm near to anywhere but here?'