Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Overdose On Decadence- Is There Such A Thing?

I have never eaten as much decadent food in my 25 years of existence as I have for the past week. Currypuffs, springrolls, mee soto, beef steak, nasi lemak, chocolate gateaux, strawberries and cream, Nandos...the list goes on..mostly thanks to my mother being here for the past week. The chocolate gateaux is courtesy of Don, who bought it as a celebratory cake for my graduation (thanks hunny!) is still in the fridge, because we are still too busy stuffing our faces with all the other gastronomic delights.

After they leave me this Sunday, we are all going on a DIET- of salad, vegetables and maybe cous cous. And walk a lot. Exercise.
I feel like a beached whale, pregnant with quadruplets. I probably look it too. If I could stand to stay at home, I will. I want the sun to be out so I can walk from Covent Garden to home when I work next week, save for the blisters which I have aquired from the test of heels which I wore for graduation yesterday.

Graduation. This is so much that I will say about it- If I ever do a Masters, I vow never to go to the graduation ceremony again. NEVER. That hat, the gown, the hassle, the two seconds on stage...I kept thinking I will trip up an down the stairs. Of course, it never happened. The attire drove me insane, it being a hot day outside and a gown which didn't allow my skin to breathe, a hat which gave me a headache, the whole thing did nothing for my figure. I looked like a boy- with the short hair and all, I couldn't feel any more disgusted with myself. I just wanted to go home and step out of everything into my pjs and spend the day in bed. My classmates looked good- which is a shame I couldn't say the same about myself. Besides looking like a boy, I looked like a fat ball of a boy. *sigh* And to think I spent so much time thinking about my outfit underneath, my crisp white shirt, striped trousers, suspenders and a pair of kick-ass brown wedges. This, added on to the uncomfortable meeting of friends' parents, lots of picture-taking, posing...pretending to be happy. Couldn't be further from the truth. I was just relieved once it was over. My dear friend Hye Su, shared my sentiments that we should have just stayed in bed. I hate formal affairs. Although, when I was sitting in line waiting for my class to be called up and go on stage to collect our parchments, I thought, if I ever had kids, I'd be so proud if we made it to their graduation day and I'd be equally annoying to them, although secretly sniggering inside that I know how torturous it is for them. Yeah, I'm gonna make a great parent, if I ever make it at all.

So now it's late. Time for the whale to roll over and go to bed. ):
I hate that I feel this way. Maybe I'll disappear into the crack between my bed and wall tonight. Then nobody will see me.


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