Monday, July 09, 2007

I Should Be Sleeping, Really...But My Random Thoughts Will Have To Do For Now...

It's late. Again. There are so many books I could be reading to aid me along to Lala-land, but I refuse. Instead, I am semi-fresh, from my warm shower and watching some shite high-school movie. Despite being comfortable and tucked in, I can't seem to sleep.

My dear mother and sister are going to land in London in two days for my graduation. They will be staying for 13 days, but all I have been thinking about is home food. A little piece of home will come to me again. I get homesick so easily these days. I feel a part of me is not quite complete without friends, family and loved ones.

Things have been rough with one of my housemates, the antisocial fuck. So coming home has been a little bit of a bore. His presence repulses me. But that story shall be saved for another day. If I were to tell it now, it'll only be made up of endless strings of profanities. Not very pretty.

Otherwise, it's been strange being out of university. I should be looking for a job, but somehow progress is slow. Actually, I know why it is so, but have no will to change it, perhaps I lack motivation. But all I need is a good kick up the ass. I really do.

I know why I'm not asleep now. It's too hot. It's hard to fall asleep in a room on the top floor that is this warm.


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