Sunday, December 05, 2004

Reporting LIVE From Greenpickle Station @ Gonçalo´s Room...

12:37am, and what am I doing? Online,since I got back from work and dinner with Hwee Li. Dinner was fab, at Bella Italia,Covent Garden, and the ice cream..mmmmmm... thanks for the treat, babes. She also bought me a little knitted covered hot-water bottle in red with a little white heart in the middle for my birthday...very cute!!! It will be my faithful friend on nights like this...with the pain that is my period cramps...being a woman is such a hassle(GOD! I knew I should have been born a boy...)!

Internet is such a distraction, especially when I´m halfway through my last essay, and at 409 words, I literally have to depend on my talent for bullshitting to come close to completion. Thing is, you can´t lie when you´re writing on a really famous pop artist who is dead...Aaargh....3 more days to submissions, and I´d be free!!!


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