Thursday, November 11, 2004

What Makes You, You?

This tagline I got from a graphic design book I was desperately skimming through for ideas. It put a halt to my other thoughts and think.But really, what makes you, you? Is it the way you walk? The way you talk? The way you have to always double-knot your laces so that you'll never trip over them in embarrassment? Are you paranoid? Are you someone people find illusive or unrealiable? There is only to a limited amount we can perceive ourselves as a person. I think people generally see us more in a fish-eye lens perspective, reaching places we sometimes don't think about even. Though then comes the saying- you know yourself best. Or do you? I've always personally, think that people know me better than myself. But then again, if I cannot define what I am, and I'm all muddled up inside my head, what can others read from it that they can pinpoint what I am about? Hmm...and sometimes honest conversations bring to realization parts of yourself you didn't consciously know about.

I remember when I was younger, when we had to write in each other's autograph books, the ones often filled at the end of the year, in last desperate attempts to keep in touch (we seldom do, it was just for making up numbers and to see all the politically nice things people have to write about you-very good for the ego, though!), and I hated filling in the bits about favourite food, favourite colour, etc, etc....because, I find it hard to simply pick out one! And my tastes change as often as my why bother? Maybe that is why I stopped doing the whole autograph book thing, after some time, because do I really want people to falsify what I am to myself just because they were being 'nice'? NO. Fuck that!

*sigh* Politically correct people make for paper-thin friendships. I don't think I have that many true friends, but the ones I do at least I can count on them like I can diamonds- hardy and precious.As in the words of Charles Caleb Colton,writer -"The firmest of friendships have been formed in mutual adversity, as iron is most strongly united by the fiercest flame". Am I making sense? Someone please tell me, because this whole new project is messing with my head. /:


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