Monday, October 25, 2004

Enter: Sander (Part 2 & 3)

I've missed out so much from being so caught up with worries. So many of the happier moments,I have forgotten to record, simply because I was getting so carried away.
Sander: Yes, the same tutor, the HOT one (well, when there isn't much choice among peer, we should always keep our options open!). He's probably the subject of every girl's(especially the ones in my class, I'm sure) erotic dream. He's Mr Sparkling Personality, Mr Charismatic,...did I mention HOT(?)in anotherwords, perfect! I've never had such a huge crush on a teacher before...but hey, there's always a first! Oh...and his boa peida(cute butt,Portuguese speak)!
Been trying to squeeze in Portuguese lessons in between stay-overs at Luisa's, but it's really strange lacking of proper reading materials,so my current bible is a book of poetry, by Joaquim Pessoa. Of course, the other things like curses...that doesn't take long to learn.
All I look forward to are Fridays,...the lessons with Sander...oh,for I am such a foolish girl!


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