The Ways Of The World
Strange how the world works. Perhaps Britian is not that big after all! FJ got a call from his agent, for a job starting in London tomorrow, so news is that we're on the same soil! Just got his e-mail and he's very tempted to offer him a place in my flat...but we're not that familliar, so that would be weird!
Anyways, today is the official first day of term, and it's pretty nerve-wrecking. Perhaps I'm too old to be doing this, and going through all this again... I couldn't sleep, I'm all excited and nervous at the same time! Tried to work on my summer homework, but I guess it's a little too late now, and I'm too pooped out to be working on it..managed to get some ideas out on my sketchbook, though!
Heard from my other friends who are starting uni today too, and it's nice to know they are still alive and in touch, and hopefully, we can all meet up again sometime in the near future! But it's good to know everybody's going through the first-day jitters, so that means I'm pretty normal! (:
Doo doo do do do's a brand new year, and so far all is good! *grin*
Monday, October 04, 2004
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

Previous Posts
- When I Grow Up,... I want to be somebody. Not jus...
- Please Come Over To My Place This has been mentio...
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- Barely Scraping By Okay, so I shouldn't complain ...
- Lollipop Heads Haha. This term came from a friend...
- The Road To Recovery I am finally healing,I can c...
- Does Physical Change=Psychological Change? There ...
- Obsessions, Obsessing, Obsessed With... Okay, I'm...
- Seeking: Mr No-Less-Than-Perfect-Teeth Yup,me and...
- Anything, Anything, To Keep My Mind Off Thinking.....
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