Sunday, August 15, 2004

Anything, Anything, To Keep My Mind Off Thinking...

Or rather, to stop it from going on overdrive. I'm currently helping Zaihan(Mr Art Director, heee heee...)out on his little project that has him working with MediaCorp, so well, anything to keep me distracted. I've even taken to beading on canvas, a task not to be taken up by the faint-hearted.It's very tiring, sorting out the colours and sticking them on the canvas...I admit, my only defense against insanity is my constant zoning-out(which I seem to do pretty well, these days). It comes to a point when the hand just moves, and the brain just momentarily shuts down.Thing is,it's terribly thereputic.

Helping out with the shoot (doing up the house for the scenes, yada yada yada..) has proven to be such a blessing.It's damn hard work, but in the end, it seems like we're the slightly unglam "Designer Guys". Yup, transforming a space from nothing to something..well, almost.Humour me here. d:

Nothing much has been going on besides that. My social life has come to a stand-still for the meantime, but I guess it doesn't matter as much to me anymore. I just wanna get my ass back to London...ASAP!


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