Saturday, June 26, 2004

And Then, I Was *REALLY* Sick!

The game went splendidly. Portugal won, and boy, it was the most heart-attack inducing game ever! Luisa and me sat in the Portuguese cafe at Oval, prepping ourselves from 6:30, bought some drinks and waited. I´ve never watched Portuguese tv before, and my, it was so strange! Some kind of theatre show with really bad make-up was on, but I must admit, the commercials were very entertaining! The atmosphere at the cafe was nice and relaxed, but it totally tensed up during the game. I realized that I was the only Asian there...but the owner must have thought that I was Portuguese too, coz when they scored 2-1, he brought a round of drinks, on the house, and he asked me what I wanted in Portuguese. Later on, when they did win, some other guy bought us drinks. It was a record for me, for in two hours, I went for *five* pee breaks. Luisa got very tipsy, and the bus ride made me so sick(for the record, I never consume more than one can of fizzy, and it was three, on an empty stomach),I threw up. I must have passed off as drunk. Ironically, Miss Bacelar survived the journey home more than I did. ):
Imagine all the washing up I had to do today, laundry was the first order of the day, and now my Crumpler looks nice and new. (: ((Luisa checked for puke, silly girl!))

I am currently cautiously trying to type this in halls via Gonçalo's new toy. Very nice, but some of the buttons don't fuckin work. Beautiful machine, though(I'm sure he's reading this, and grinning like the fool he is).Am taking a break from packing. Seems that everyone is packing up, Esther, Luisa and me have to pack for the storage people who are coming tomorrow, and Holly is moving out. Very upsetting. It's strange to see my room empty again, and that means I'll be living out of my suitcase till I leave...*sigh*
Managed to pass some cute Russian guy my friend,Halo's number.Small victory, enough for today.
Am very dizzy. My room awaits.


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