Friday, August 27, 2004

Obsessions, Obsessing, Obsessed With...

Okay, I'm in love with Buble again. I've gone thru a phase when I couldn't ever listen to jazz again, coz it reminded me that I was once in love. Jazz makes you go all tingly and happy, especially swing music, and that was why I loved it so much. It was painful to listen to, because it reminded me of a certain someone... I guess now I can start listening to it...slowy, weaning myself little by little....I just bought the Michael Buble "Come Fly With Me" dvd...and I'm smitten all over again. *sigh*... (:
November 16-17th, Buble performs at the Royal Albert Hall, London. Well, Royal Albert Hall, here I come!!!

Okay, so I think I have a small little crush on a Singapore Idol-wannabe. He's unconventionally cute, ah-beng-ish(which means hooligan-ish?), and he has a well - an amazing voice. Doesn't quite match his face, but well, he made it to the top ten, which means, he is good. (: I totally support him,I'm not doubting he ISN'T- although I would never ever get to talk to him, or see him in person (although the island IS pretty small and he does, study in a local university) *sigh*...I just hope he gets into the top five or so...If I can, I do want to watch a recording of the Singapore Idol. There isn't much chance of me doing it in London anyhow... Three weeks or so to go...I should be back in London before I know it. Then another reality begins again, it's a rough rollercoaster ride ahead. Then again, it is somewhat exciting...and I think I'm more ready to face it this time.

Down With Love-Michael Buble/Holly Palmer

"Down with love the flowers and rice and shoes
Down with love the root of all midnight blues
Down with things that give you that well-known ping
Take that moon wrap it in cellophane

Down with love let's liquidate all its friends
Moon and June and roses and rainbow's ends
Down with songs that moan about night and day
Down with love yes take it away, away

Far away
Give it back to the birds and bees and the Viennese

Down with eyes romantic and stupid
Down with sighs and down with cupid
Brother let's stuff that dove
Down with love"


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