Monday, October 25, 2004

Repression Dizzys

If I had a band, I'd call it that. Not that I think I am repressed, but living with a psychobitch who is, probably is rubbing off on me. Difference is, I'm bordering on explosion.

Reiss never got back to me, and do I really want to work in a store that has lost my CV twice, and didn't call back when they were supposed to? NO! Doesn't reflect very well on the company, I think. Another job possibility I kinda have going is at Diesel.It was almost like star-search or pop idol. Firstly, you are invited to come in for a group interview, consisting of 100 or so people, then the second one if you're short-listed, then another final one-on-one interview. These things are so nerve-wrecking, and I don't even know if they liked me. I mean, they must, to a certain extent, because I was called back the second time, but haven't heard from them since. Hobbs called me back to start work, I said 'yes', decided to rethink my offer (it's bad enough to have fuck-ups and stress at home, I don't need it at work too), till the toyshop called me back, to offer me the job.

So I took up the job my gut told me to. Just started work at Eric Snook, a gift/toy shop, in the Piazza in Covent Garden, just this Saturday, and I think I'm settling quite well. Not much of a thinking job, though not being paid much, but I get to meddle around with the toys when I'm bored, and my colleagues are so crazy, it's cool. My manager is setting up his own production, and he's been talking about it, so it's a friendly environment, and I feel at home. My colleagues are relaxed, and all I have to do to look busy is re-arranging the stuff on the shelves, replenish and occassionally, help people out.((Now I'm kinda wishing Diesel never calls me back...))

Life is really starting to take it's toll on me. It's been kinda crap socially, I've discovered what shit people some of my friends are here. I don't think I'm unfriendly, I just think that I could be socially handicapped. As my sister says(yes, desperately,in moments of dire need and insanity,even talking to her, is becoming something of bliss)- one at a time. First, settle the school, then the job, then the roomate. Except when she drives me insane, she moves up the chart of priorities. GET RID OF HERRRRR!!!!!!! It's gotten so bad, that I can't criticize her without her getting upset and going to her room (possibly, to cry, the stupid cow!) She never stops talking nor complaining-oh, shaddup already! She complains if people try to pick her up (according to her, constantly-she's fuckin delusional), if people talk to her on the street(c'mon, get used to it, it's London, for fuck's sakes!), about how much work she has to do...about how harder her course is (this may not be true...Fact:they have 100 students,which is alot.Fact: In a small course of 50, we're((the illustration students)) only 1 in every 30 people who applied who got picked to get into the school.So she's complaining?Screw her, bitch! Pppfth!) Was going to break the news to her that I have decided to move out last Saturday, but her whole family was there, so had to postphone. Darn. So I'm gonna wait till she gets home today to tell her. Luisa now understands how just being around her ,makes my blood boil- no need for E to get my heart pumping faster...I feel like I'm on it everyday, doing a bad trip.
I've come to a conclusion: I'd rather stay in halls, or strangers, than to put up with a whiny 5 yr old, which I constantly plot to push out the window (if she was to fit in the first place), or wring her neck...god, I've no expectations anymore- I'd even rather live with Varun(the indian guy whom i despise and find annoying)-for the simple fact I can tell him to fuck off, and he won't get all sensative, than with her!!!!!!!!! AAAARGhHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........................*think pretty thoughts...think pretty thoughts...think pretty thoughts....*

By the way....Zaihan....where ARE you....???????


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At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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