Thursday, June 26, 2003

In Dreams
From the Movie "Blue Velvet"
Performed by Roy Orbison

A candy covered clown
They call the Sandman
Tip toes through my rooms every night
Just to sprinkle star dust and he whispers
Go to sleep everything is alright

I close my eyes, then I drift away
Into the magic night, I'll softly stay
A silent prayer, like dreamers do
Then I fall asleep and dream
My dreams of you

In dreams I walk with you
In dreams I talk to you
In dreams your mine all the time
We're together in dreams, in dreams

But darling before you're gone
I will wait and find you gone
I can't help it, I can't help it
If I fall in
I remember, that you fell good-bye

Girl that you'll always be
And it will only happen in my dreams
Only in dreams, in beautiful dreams

And The List Goes On...

Three weeks ahead, and I'm *still* listening to Michael Buble.
Work's been ok, not fantastic, and once more, a month has gone by in a blink of an eye. So much has happened, within so little time. Had a chance to get closer to some other people, both colleagues and bare aquaintences. Been looking for old friends, hanging out with new ones...sigh. I'm gonna miss them all.

The cashflow has been very *very* low, and I'm just waiting for payday! (That's all that I've got to look forward to, nowadays.) Been busy sorting out my clothes today, and I hope to somehow get rid of some of them soon.
Anybody knows of where I can sell them off?

Oh gosh, I just remembered that there's a new Cash Converters outlet which just opened in Jurong.Maybe I should pop by sometime with my old printer and stuff..any amount of cash couldn't be too bad! (:
Well, desperate times, desperate measures!

Thursday, June 19, 2003

I just had to put this in coz it was just plain lovely. And I think the writer's a local talent too! (:

The Belief

you go on
about how you do
not feel loved
unless someone
places his head
or hand
upon your body
for more than
a night and day

I soon learn
about how any
about the possible
of such intimacies

is the same
as convincing
a child terrified
of the dark
of the true nature
of shadows.

by the parted window,
watching the stars
pour passeways down
your cheeks.

- Cyril Wong

Why Does It All Go Downhill From Here?

The past three days since Sunday have been ultimately hell for me. I don't seem to know why I feel so grumpy (more than usual), and believe me, it's worse that way. Don's left to be a national slave, so I've got one less friend to whine to. ):

Picture this:-

Sunday - I couldn't have possibly woken up on the wrong side of the bed...the bed has *only* one side (it's a daybed), I just didn't feel up to facing the world. Perhaps it's because I woke up with such a bad start-with the kids running amok in the house at 9am when it was my only day to sleep in! *aaaarghhhhhh... I involuntarily skipped lunch coz by the time I went down to the 4th floor to get my food, there wasn't anything left! Tried cheering myself up with hot chocolate..apparantly ThaT didn't work. By the time Wan and Don came by with my dinner, I was in a mood beyond saving. Kinda shouted at them. Poor about being ungrateful.

Monday - Woke up eXtra early to get to Holland V. for meeting (at 9.30am) coz the new POS system is finally in. Supposed to learn how to use it, just a lil' tution session (On my day off! Geez!!!).
Got caught in a traffic jam, and ended up half an hour late. Talk about a bad start! Thank god for the morning coffee sponsored by the "manager of the year" (who claims himself to be...Dennis) and the bread for the early morning munch. Ended up more confused at the end of the meeting than ever. Met Don and shopped awhile before meeting Wan to go hangout before Don's butt becomes national property. Hahaha..that didn't come out right, did it? *grin*
The day got better...and I got to go to that nice playground where the swings are never taken,and had a little kick out of just hogging it all for myself! (:

Tuesday - I was really, really alright that morning. I woke up not cranky and I was okay. Took the bus as usual, and guess what? I thought I was caught in a traffic jam, but later on, I found out that the bus couldn't move coz a tree fell, blocking the whole road!!! AAArrghhhhh....technically, I was in a jam..*again*! I got impatient, coz it was half an hour and I was still in the same spot, so decided to alight, like many other fellow commuters, and maybe try my luck with a cab. It was raining, I was cold, and I had to walk ALL THE WAY from Dempsey Road to work (HEREEN)! That's not the worst part- I was walking along Glenegles Hospital and I slipped and fell! Gosh! And nobody helped me up! Singaporean are such SSSSShitheaddssss!!!!!! My god...I was cursing and swearing all the way to work!..Never felt soooo f*Cking helpless in my life!! Totally lost it when I got to work, and Dennis was so concerned that he tried to cheer me up whichever way he could, but it just didn't work. I got to work freezing cold, wet, and trembling...with a sore left elbow and bum. God..this mustabeen the worst day in my entire LIFE! ):

Anyway, that was days ago. I'm ok..I guess after venting it *all* out. I reckon everyone was a bit concerned. Even Pauline was too terrified to look at me that day...I guess they've never seen me so gloomy. I guess I've never know to have had such horrid days!

It's been alrite since then.Back to my normal self, all cheery and smiling.Today was the best yet! Went shopping with my little babies, mom, and all, and got myself a new skirt..and I *finally* officially own a VCD player in my room, thanks to big bro, and it's all *free*! (:
Now, all I need is a mini fridge and a sink to complete my self-sufficient lil' room.

Monday, June 16, 2003

Walking Alone

Come together like a foot in a shoe
Only this time I think I stuck my foot in my mouth.
Thinking out loud and acting in vain.
Knocking over anyone that stands in my way.

Sometimes I need to apologize.
Sometimes I need to admit that I ain't right.
Sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut, or only say hello.
Sometimes I still feel I'm walking alone.

Walk on eggshells on my old stomping ground, yet there's really no
one left, that's hanging around.
Isn't that another familiar face?
Too drunk to figure out they're fading away.


Friday, June 13, 2003

All That Jazz

Gosh...been listening to a whole lot of jazz lately. I am especially in *love* with Michael Buble (pronounced Boo-blay)..I just fell in love at first sound? Hahhaa...He does a VERY SEXY (*grrreow..) version of Peggy Lee's "Fever" and now I'm just head over heels. (: He's pretty cute to boot, and all of 25 years old! Wooo hoooo!...Go check out the'll just melt, trust me!

Other groovy swing-tunes can be found on: Steve Tyrell-Standard Time, Frank Sinatra-Songs For Swinging Lovers, Tony Benett & K.D Lang-A Wonderful World and of course, Michael Buble (self-titled album).

Yesterday was my day off, went to watch Finding Nemo (again!) with Charlene, and just shopped around awhile with her before she had to go off to pack for Sydney. ):
Met up with Don to shop for groceries and headed back to my place to have lunch with my babies(nephew and niece)! Gosh..I miss themmmmm! Mum made mee soto (piggy's favourite), and while I helped to prepare lunch, there was a whole lot of chaos with the kids running around and giggling. Was a whole lot of fun though, I miss those lil' tykes!

Saturday, June 07, 2003

Shhhwwwinging Fun!

Ok, so I'm guilty of a little enjoyment on Thusday. Felt like such an overgrown kid, jumping on swings and trying out the new slides at Pasir Ris Park (suush...nobody tell anyone!). Went cycling there, and it was so much fun, the weather was just perfect, not too sunny. There was a whole lot of breeze, so it was an ideal time to just let off steam and catch some wind in my hair. I can be such a hazard to other cyclists (I keep knocking people down, so that's why I choose to cycle on off-peak days), but it turned out alright. Totally pigged out in the later part of the evening, I think I ate too much! /:

Went to watch Finding Nemo yesterday. Really fantastic movie! The Pixar crew *totally* nailed this one, the animation was drop-dead gorgeous, and the storyline was really hilarious too! Feel like watching it again, takers? Just saw the "making of Finding Nemo" on tv this morning, and when they showed the processes that they go through to just render a jaw dropped! These people are sooo talented! I'm JEALOUS! Arrgh...

Just got a call from good ol' Jeremy, who will be flying to London about the same time as me!!! Yayy! *Finally*, a companion! The lucky guy would be doing his degree in Central Saint Martins, so hurrah, we'll be so near to each other!!! He got so excited when I told him that I was going off around the same time, we both started screaming on the fone..hahaa..! (:

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

If The Name Fits...

Then stick to it! (:
Nicknames are just terms of endearment. If you're not careful, it sticks more than you would know. Can't be all *that* bad...can it? My X:Odus family call me "little one" ...and Pauline's "the round one"...and Charlene...that "sexpot"? Now we just need to find Dennis one!

Hahaha.... and of course...some people stick better to their nicknames that thay become a lil Piggy.hahhaa...sorry Don...but I think it's really cute! (Especially the ones you gave me with the printed snouts..) (:

But anyway, if the nicknames are not offensive...I guess, just laugh! I've even learnt to laugh at myself once in awhile (coz so many people laugh at me so very often)!

If The Shoe Fits...

...Buy IT!!!!..Hahaha...Been on some splurge lately, I think I should just stop spending. Too, tooooo much money has been spent buying a) my puma-looking Nine West Sneakers, b) my Blood Bros skirt (Finally!), c) the embroidered Elle shirt I've been eye-ing since *forever*...and finally d) a very glam Mango handbag! Oh thanx Don, you *sooooo* totally didn't help! d:

For the first time ever, I had breakfast at Killiney Kopitiam today, and I actually had toast with kaya *and* butter! I thought: what a weird combo, but hey, it works! I think I ate about 4 slices of bread, but the portions were so tiny, it seemed like I was eating a lot! Don didn't look too pleased with his nasi lemak, although the half-boiled egg cheered him up a bit. I don't exactly know why he was depressed, or whether he is still depressed, but I certainly hope not for long. Cheer up, babes! I'm still here! (:

I got Charlene earrings from Fling for her going-away, and thank god she loved them! I've made more friends with the gerls there, Amanda and Jamie..and they're really amazing people! Yvette comes visit me more often upstairs, and it's always nice when someone comes over to specifically look for you. Brought Charlene over to Fling the other day to have a look at the stuff, and guess what? She bought *two* more earrings!!! The girl can surely spend!!!