Thursday, June 19, 2003

Why Does It All Go Downhill From Here?

The past three days since Sunday have been ultimately hell for me. I don't seem to know why I feel so grumpy (more than usual), and believe me, it's worse that way. Don's left to be a national slave, so I've got one less friend to whine to. ):

Picture this:-

Sunday - I couldn't have possibly woken up on the wrong side of the bed...the bed has *only* one side (it's a daybed), I just didn't feel up to facing the world. Perhaps it's because I woke up with such a bad start-with the kids running amok in the house at 9am when it was my only day to sleep in! *aaaarghhhhhh... I involuntarily skipped lunch coz by the time I went down to the 4th floor to get my food, there wasn't anything left! Tried cheering myself up with hot chocolate..apparantly ThaT didn't work. By the time Wan and Don came by with my dinner, I was in a mood beyond saving. Kinda shouted at them. Poor about being ungrateful.

Monday - Woke up eXtra early to get to Holland V. for meeting (at 9.30am) coz the new POS system is finally in. Supposed to learn how to use it, just a lil' tution session (On my day off! Geez!!!).
Got caught in a traffic jam, and ended up half an hour late. Talk about a bad start! Thank god for the morning coffee sponsored by the "manager of the year" (who claims himself to be...Dennis) and the bread for the early morning munch. Ended up more confused at the end of the meeting than ever. Met Don and shopped awhile before meeting Wan to go hangout before Don's butt becomes national property. Hahaha..that didn't come out right, did it? *grin*
The day got better...and I got to go to that nice playground where the swings are never taken,and had a little kick out of just hogging it all for myself! (:

Tuesday - I was really, really alright that morning. I woke up not cranky and I was okay. Took the bus as usual, and guess what? I thought I was caught in a traffic jam, but later on, I found out that the bus couldn't move coz a tree fell, blocking the whole road!!! AAArrghhhhh....technically, I was in a jam..*again*! I got impatient, coz it was half an hour and I was still in the same spot, so decided to alight, like many other fellow commuters, and maybe try my luck with a cab. It was raining, I was cold, and I had to walk ALL THE WAY from Dempsey Road to work (HEREEN)! That's not the worst part- I was walking along Glenegles Hospital and I slipped and fell! Gosh! And nobody helped me up! Singaporean are such SSSSShitheaddssss!!!!!! My god...I was cursing and swearing all the way to work!..Never felt soooo f*Cking helpless in my life!! Totally lost it when I got to work, and Dennis was so concerned that he tried to cheer me up whichever way he could, but it just didn't work. I got to work freezing cold, wet, and trembling...with a sore left elbow and bum. God..this mustabeen the worst day in my entire LIFE! ):

Anyway, that was days ago. I'm ok..I guess after venting it *all* out. I reckon everyone was a bit concerned. Even Pauline was too terrified to look at me that day...I guess they've never seen me so gloomy. I guess I've never know to have had such horrid days!

It's been alrite since then.Back to my normal self, all cheery and smiling.Today was the best yet! Went shopping with my little babies, mom, and all, and got myself a new skirt..and I *finally* officially own a VCD player in my room, thanks to big bro, and it's all *free*! (:
Now, all I need is a mini fridge and a sink to complete my self-sufficient lil' room.


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