All That Jazz
Gosh...been listening to a whole lot of jazz lately. I am especially in *love* with Michael Buble (pronounced Boo-blay)..I just fell in love at first sound? Hahhaa...He does a VERY SEXY (*grrreow..) version of Peggy Lee's "Fever" and now I'm just head over heels. (: He's pretty cute to boot, and all of 25 years old! Wooo hoooo!...Go check out the'll just melt, trust me!
Other groovy swing-tunes can be found on: Steve Tyrell-Standard Time, Frank Sinatra-Songs For Swinging Lovers, Tony Benett & K.D Lang-A Wonderful World and of course, Michael Buble (self-titled album).
Yesterday was my day off, went to watch Finding Nemo (again!) with Charlene, and just shopped around awhile with her before she had to go off to pack for Sydney. ):
Met up with Don to shop for groceries and headed back to my place to have lunch with my babies(nephew and niece)! Gosh..I miss themmmmm! Mum made mee soto (piggy's favourite), and while I helped to prepare lunch, there was a whole lot of chaos with the kids running around and giggling. Was a whole lot of fun though, I miss those lil' tykes!
Friday, June 13, 2003
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

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