If The Shoe Fits...
...Buy IT!!!!..Hahaha...Been on some splurge lately, I think I should just stop spending. Too, tooooo much money has been spent buying a) my puma-looking Nine West Sneakers, b) my Blood Bros skirt (Finally!), c) the embroidered Elle shirt I've been eye-ing since *forever*...and finally d) a very glam Mango handbag! Oh thanx Don, you *sooooo* totally didn't help! d:
For the first time ever, I had breakfast at Killiney Kopitiam today, and I actually had toast with kaya *and* butter! I thought: what a weird combo, but hey, it works! I think I ate about 4 slices of bread, but the portions were so tiny, it seemed like I was eating a lot! Don didn't look too pleased with his nasi lemak, although the half-boiled egg cheered him up a bit. I don't exactly know why he was depressed, or whether he is still depressed, but I certainly hope not for long. Cheer up, babes! I'm still here! (:
I got Charlene earrings from Fling for her going-away, and thank god she loved them! I've made more friends with the gerls there, Amanda and Jamie..and they're really amazing people! Yvette comes visit me more often upstairs, and it's always nice when someone comes over to specifically look for you. Brought Charlene over to Fling the other day to have a look at the stuff, and guess what? She bought *two* more earrings!!! The girl can surely spend!!!
Tuesday, June 03, 2003
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

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- Trigger Happy? I've started bringing my Poloroid ...
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- Everything's Going Wrong! It's just not my day. I...
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- You are Wolverine! A loner by nature, you feel un...
- These Days These days have been pretty *bleagh*. ...
- All The Time Promises, promises, it was all set i...
- Good Or Bad? Compliment, Or Not? Ok, ok, so I ask...
- Punk Yipee! Got myself a new spunky hairdo yester...
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