Sunday, May 25, 2003

One Flew The Coop

OH god. I've not written for so long! Been very busy this week, with my cousin's wedding and all on the weekend, it seems that my days are all jumbled up. Bernard's flying off on Monday evening, so there goes my scitzophrenic-cross-dressing friend! Although I don't know him for very long, it's seldom I find someone who has so much in common with me..sigh. I guess we'll cross paths again someday. Said he may come visit me if he stops over in UK to visit all his other friends. (:

Taka's such a bore today,was so glad when my shift was over. I'm getting more familliar with the people there, especially the people from ELLE and URS Inc. They're the last people I made friends with (coz took some time coz they seem more shy)...but they're the nicest people there by far. Its only the company of these people that I amazingly am able to survive such boredom. d:

Back at Hereen, I went to collect my outrageous red earrings from Yvette (this girl who works at Fling, the new lingerie shop on the fourth floor). I met the boss of Fling, who apparantly bought this shoe from us (no wonder she looked familliar), and she's pretty nice. Well anyway, ended up getting two pairs of very vintage looking earrings, and had a little chit-chat with Yvette and her colleague. It's a nice end to a slow Sunday. No worries, tomorrow's my off-day. *grin*


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