Walking Alone
Come together like a foot in a shoe
Only this time I think I stuck my foot in my mouth.
Thinking out loud and acting in vain.
Knocking over anyone that stands in my way.
Sometimes I need to apologize.
Sometimes I need to admit that I ain't right.
Sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut, or only say hello.
Sometimes I still feel I'm walking alone.
Walk on eggshells on my old stomping ground, yet there's really no
one left, that's hanging around.
Isn't that another familiar face?
Too drunk to figure out they're fading away.
Monday, June 16, 2003
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

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