Tuesday, January 10, 2006

7th January 06 : Of Men & Me

Halo celebrated his 35th birthday just three days ago. And he looks not a day over 25!Whenever I gaze closely to his face and scrutinize the invinsible wrinkles, I just love watching him smoothen it out in panic and then pass me a dirty look after catching on my joke. (:

With my bad sense of direction, I managed to steer my way to Soho's Costa,where we were meeting after work, and ended up meeting a whole bunch of people at once! There must have been about ten to twelve men...and me of course! The birthday boy got Metadent toothpaste from a friend and let me tell you, we've never seen anyone so close to orgasm just receiving American toothpaste(he's been looking for it for the past 2 years!)! He also received books...and my lil tokens were: a tee which I printed myself, a lil table clock and a big bar of sheep's milk chocolate which I bought from Germany. After hanging around at the cafe, some of us hungry ones suggested going for dinner and we ended up at some pretty posh-looking place called Kettners. I felt kinda out-of place, but Paul (red hoodie) assured me that he knows the people who work there and it's fine. We all got chatting about all of Halo's previous sexcapades, which was very funny considering we tried to figure out which boyfriend came before or after the other...and concluded we couldn't keep track of em all! Dinner was fab(thanks Halo!), the company was so adorable, I've not laughed so heartily like this for a long time! My very favourite people on that day were Paul and Steven(topmost pic-Steven really reminds me of Jack from Will & Grace)and of course, Halo(middle pic,who, was suprisingly sober after 35 shots of Sambuka?). After the big meal, we ordered a fudge cake for the birthday queen with a candle on it...and sang aloud the ceremonial song, putting the whole room to shame! A somewhat emotional Halo then gave a speech (which he had trouble keeping short..heh...)and we toasted somemore...

Ended up getting home in the wee hours of the morning-after the boys waited with me for my nightbus(you guys are so sweet!) and had to drag myself out of bed in the next few hours for work...which..I haven't recovered since...zzz...zz..z..

halo's bday


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