Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Dry Cracking Fingers

First and foremost, thank you Wan, for figuring out my page + comments. It's nice to have the function back(even though only some people leave things on it)! Oh yah, whatever is wrong with your blogpage, babes?

Summer is definately gone for good. The coats and the scarves that have been happily packed away are making a comeback and looks like it's here to stay awhile. Everyone's cheery demeanour is slowly fading, just like the bright blue sky, transforming into a murky grey looming above us. And us art students? I don't know about everyone else, but the people whom I hang out with are sure not too pleased to be back in action...just thinking of the people we have to put up with, just makes me cringe.

Being in the cold has it's pros and cons. The cold wind hitting your face in the morning is a sure-fire way to slap you out of sleep, yet at the end of the day, it's so nice to snuggle into your warm bed and fall asleep. I'm sure the lack of sun explains why people here are so uptight, I mean, who wouldn't be, with this sorta chilly weather?!!! The cold is only useful when it snows. As I have mentioned before, it's the only other time it looks so beautiful. For me, the cold weather is better for my skin,for my eczema is least likely to strike when it's cool and not irritated. But for my poor fingers, they just go berserk and will dry, crack up and this-hurts like hell!
The cold makes you lazy...but then again thinking about it, so does the sun...kind maybe I'm just lazy all over. fall is here soon, only consolation will be the pretty red and orange leaves that will soon start to fall like brightly coloured snow.


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