I am very stupid, I feel...(don't anyone DARE agree!), but I decided to change the outlook of my dear blog, after so long,...for an updated 'look'...but alas...I don't know much about the whole settings and codes shit...hence, the bad layout and spacing of my tagboard (which I lost in the first few minutes and spent half an hour figuring out how to put it back in) my comments for each entry is gone and I'm past bothering...enough of an acheivement for now. Plus, somehow now my Imood seems to be missing something...I have struggled enough..time for backup...WAN!?!?!!!! HELPPPPPP!!!!! ):
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

Previous Posts
- My Black & White WorldJust finished the 'Everlasti...
- FartiesThis is a very much delayed blog. Though no...
- ...Somedays, I think the weather is as bleak as my...
- Lazyday BugI've been having lots of lazydays recen...
- The Bigger PictureIf anyone ever asks me about my ...
- Return To SenderI've been posting a lot, lately......
- It's Just The Smallest Gestures...That make all th...
- Deserted Toy ShopSo, life went back to normal on F...
- It's Been A Week Since...The bombings on Thursday....
- For The People...Who were worried about me last th...
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