It's very rarely that I blog on weekends, let alone accompanied by my packed treat of boiled broccoli and carrots, lemon and coriander cous cous and vegetarian sausages. I know it sounds like a lot,but during this hectic time when the shop is constantly flooded by over-enthuiastic christmas shoppers, it is but necessary! Barely half the day has gone by, and I'm already wishing I'm at home, tucked warmly in my bed with David Sedaris' 'Dress Your Family in Curdoroy and Denim'. I'm almost done reading it, but I'm sure I'd find something else soon.
*Sigh* One more week, and I'll be joining my dear friends in the agony of being a year short of a quater of a decade. How time flies! It'll also mark the one-year tenancy at my house in Shenley Rd. Geez....what have I been doing?!!!!
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

Previous Posts
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- I Am Using The Internet And I'm Illegal...Yes, in ...
- Dry Cracking FingersFirst and foremost, thank you ...
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- Changing Places, New FacesSeptember promises to me...
- Comic SuperheroIn between trying to fix the layout...
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