Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snowwwwww

Yes, so Buble haunts me again. Will be obtaining the copy of the cd exclusively from Mr G. Sousa(a slightly more glamourous term for our beloved Loggy). Can't wait!
It's been snowing on and off, but when the roof terrace of my house gets covered in white, I always feel happy, for it is so pretty. I walked home from Camberwell after grocery shopping the other day, and was drenched with what looks like ice shaving, but with my trusty hoodie on, I was smiling beneath it all. How can anyone stay grumpy when something so pretty and enchanting falls from the sky? It certainly makes the cold worthwhile!

So here's a quick recap of the past few days - Monday: first..okay, no, so second official sighting of snow..properly(same day I went to Camberwell). Finished my work for elective, so went back to relax, to find grumpy Paolo bored and, naturally, grumpy(!). Hah. Changed out of my wet coat, and we decided to watch a movie at Peckham Multiplex- bad timing, so we had to wander around before the show started. Vera Drake was okay, very sad though. Must be all that woman crying...she reminds me of someone...possibly Dawn...must be the small eyes and expression.. (:
It was gently snowing as we walked back home- nice thing about hanging out with housemates, you go home to the same place, very safe indeed (especially when you're in the middle of shoot-em-up Peckham..or so Halo calls it!). Had dinner at Tadim's and watched tv and vegetated on the couch, till god knows what time. *yawn* Bizzaire dreams followed, but we shall not talk about that.

-Tuesday : Okay, so I thought; since I've no need for the workshops anymore...why not sleep in (unfortunately, even with the alarm off, the latest I managed was ten, after waking up automatically at annoying!) and later clean up the house? The floor was just...Eugh...Disgusting? Mike was utterly speechless when I showed him the discoloured soap water. Now I feel much better that it is cleaner..was very tired, but realized that I had to do all the necessary back-ground work for my alien theme...oops..but not before watching CSI..the normal routine...
Someone commented they didn't see me smile the whole evening(but this is from the time he arrived, popped his head in to say hello, and sat with me all of 5 mins, the wanker.). Was quite in a foul mood though. Must be the approaching period. *sigh* Trials and tribulations of being a girl. AAAaaghhhhhhhh!!!!!
Very tired, but hard time getting to sleep.

-And today? : Early start, off to school to print out my work...dabble with a bit of Photoshop, and Waaalaaa!, done...of course this is followed by a little intense private session with the photocopier...Third time today travelling to and from home. *sigh* Am very tired, but enjoy walking in the snow.Was going to collect my camera from home to take pictures of my presentation..but what the's too cold (temps ranging from -1 to 3 degrees)and so I won't bother...

On tv today (the junkie that we are these days)- Jamie's School Dinners(thanks for reminding me, Luisa), and oh, Desperate Housewives after..*sigh*... what is life as we know it before tv existed..*shakes head* One more night on the couch then, nice and cuddled up warmly on the sofa with my little blue blanket...that is, until someone shoves me off to one corner. But tonight, we will conquer!!!


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