Monday, January 10, 2005

When This Post Is Done, It's Gonna Be A Giant Mutherfu**er!

Again, to start anew, we must get rid of what we don't want. This, of course, is referring to my policy of getting rid of numbers I don't want in my phone, email...and quite hard to deal with, Friendster. What is the point, really? I find Friendster quite pointless, since nobody ever writes anything to the person owning the page, and they just occupy this a deal of who has more friends? I don't understand it. If I were to delete people I don't care about or don't want to know anymore( I know this may come off as cocky, but I don't see any point in faking friendliness.), I'd probably be left with about five who care that I still exist. Should I, or shouldn't I? So what if I'm on your list? So what if you're on mine? Do you know me? Have you met me properly? Oh god, these poor sods. I might just do this deleting thing, to exercise my principal. Vicious? Harsh? Maybe, but I gotta get a move on, if someone doesn't!

So, new contact lists, new friends, new environment, I should be so contented. I am, after getting my results for the previous project, and so far, it feels like normal again- Monday morning, boring PPD lecture, seeing everyone drag their sorry asses to Wilson Rd lecture hall. Everyone's asking the general question, which will last us all of two weeks, if we're lucky, ' so, how was your holidays?'. So far, haven't heard anything particularly exciting yet. We are all normal then...

Since missing out on blogging for the past two weeks, partly due to the unavailability of the beloved school computers, and there was just no way I was gonna blog on the crusty keyboards at the Internet cafe on the way to work. The threat of algae and dust that might have decided to reside in my fingernails for good was enough to put me off! /:

God, so much has happened during the holidays, but where do I start?!!! Plus points?
Okay, so I've gotten to bond so much more with my housemates, and workmates, and other people I otherwise would not have time to spend with. Hwee Li's ex, Ramesh, came for a visit, and we went walking around to the markets together, so that was fun. I didn't know how much I missed true Singaporean company till I hung out with them! The guy who works with me, Joe, is leaving ): *sob* as him and his girlfriend, Laura, are moving to Birmingham for her job, and he's gonna accompany her, so he's leaving come the 23rd of this month. Pity, as I've just gotten to know him so much better by working at the shop almost every day.... and we've had so much fun..

Sat down for a drink with Tina, Viqui and Nikolas yesterday, at Punch & Judy, and ended up staying there for about three hours. Drinks were on Nikolas and Viqui, as Tina and me were so broke. ): Asia, Viqui's flatmate, Nikolas' friend and ex-member of Eric Snooks, joined us later with another friend of her own. Ended up laughing so much, and had too much red bull...was unable to sleep till about 1am. Woke up nice and early though, and no complaining to myself that it was too cold to get up... d:

I have to stop here in the meanwhile...have other things to sort out first, like my funding for my trip, and also, to call Viqui to confirm which days I can I'll come back later, or I'd leave it to tomorrow.

All this hype is wearing me down already,...and it's only the beginning....


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