Thursday, January 29, 2004

The White All Around

a view from my windowanother view from my window

It snowed again yesterday.
This time, for about a few hours,
I was, again, asleep, under my window.
And again, to wake up to find the rooftops and the sidewalks
Blanketed in pure white snow.
I ran down, putting my best waterproof clothes on,
But the fire alarm beat me to it
Ah,heck, at least I was warm anyway.
Had a bit of toast and hot chocolate before I left,
And headed straight downstairs with my friends, Luisa and Goncalo.
We were like children, happily frolicking in the whiteness
Threw snowballs that didn't clump,
but we threw it at each other anyway,
Forming alliances, changing alliances, depending on
our whim and fancy.
I lay down in a nice untouched bit,
And made a snow-angel, like I've always seen them do in tv
And lost my keys.
They found my keys, after trying to re-trace our steps,
My tiny footprints, and me on the verge of panic.
We adventured into the schoolyard, never being there before
Where the snow was so pure, so thick,
And the trees were laced with little balls of white.
As though they were bearing some kind of mysterious fruit.
It was beautiful, we tried to take pictures,
but our cameras got too cold.
We left, promising to come out again if it snows tonight.
Better prepared, and hopefully while it is snowing.
There can never be anything more mesmerising
than the experience of falling snow.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Last Night...

It snowed, and I was sleeping under the window
where it looked like dandruff falling from the sky.
Don't get me wrong, it was beautiful.
And it lasted a whole of thirty minutes.
Till I contentedly fell asleep again.
All that was left this morning was
Patches of white, like someone spilt salt on the ground.
All that was left this morning, wasn't much.
As though it never happened at all.

I know you little, I love you lots

I know you little, I love you lots,
my love for you could fill ten pots,
fifteen buckets, sixteen cans,
three teacups, and four dishpans.

Shel Silverstien

Monday, January 26, 2004

The Strangeness Of It All....

There are times when you are in a bad mood (minus the pms), and you don't know why?
There was once that I looked up and an aeroplane hovered above, and I thought, home..?

It may snow tomorrow. Chilly temperatures are looking to greet us this week.
Maybe the snow will be a warm welcome.

Haven't been lyric-surfing for sometime now...just something I thought interesting...and reflected how I've been feeling.

Do You Know

Underneath the weight
Of a heavy sky
I will grow my wings
I will learn to fly

Cause even though my heart is
Big enough to fly away
Underneath the confidence
I will never say I'm strong enough
To be alone

Do you know do you know
Do you know how it feels to be angry
Do you know how it feels to be hurt
When you live all your life for a moment
Just to prove that you know what it's worth
Do you know

I will show no fear
I won't hide my scars
I will learn to give
I will love what's ours


Sunday, January 18, 2004

The Poetry Place

Last Tuesday, Camille, Fanella, Esther and me went to meet up with Sarah to this poetry place in Covent Garden. Esther and me were late (oops) and well, we didn't get a chance to listen to any of the poetry, because the session was held downstairs. The place was pretty hard to locate, being in a tiny little alley, but it was nice and cosy, and us hungry girls had to share money to grab a bite (mediterrenian omelette), and played scrabble afterwards. All this, is of course, out of stress and partly, it was a very good way to help improve Esther's vocabulary. Anyways, we are supposed to go again next week, but I don't think I'll make it down, with all the work I've got piled up, and my deadline being on Wednesday.
Talk about stress.

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Freaky Fridays

Cinema day started yesterday, and boy, it was crazy! The whole foundation year squeezed into one cinema theatre in central London, and it was amazing how many people suddenly appeared to watch the same movies. The first film to be shown to us was a french film, which starred Bridget Bardot, and man, she's GORRRRGEOUS!!!! Half the time, she was naked or semi-naked, but she looked good anyway. The envy! We had a five minutes break before the next film, which was all about fakes and fakery, an autobiographer, a con-man, and a forger. It was so fast-paced, it just drained all our braincells to concentrate. Most people fell asleep, which isn't surprising. I'm not risking that, in case we had to write and article or do a study on it, so yea, I'm a geek that way.

Life's been pretty boring with nothing much happening these days, besides college in the week, and work on the weekends. Will be grouped into our specialities next week, so I'm kinda regretting not talking to the frenchboy more we will be separated by our specialisms (me, illustration, he, graphic design).

Any changes?
Welllll, I've been eating lots more vegetables now- salad, carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflour, celery,....and the list goes on. Someone say you're proud of me, *quick*!!!!!!! (:

Thursday, January 08, 2004

New Year Resolutions:

*to lose all the weight I gained living here.
*to do well in school, achieve better grades.
*to be able to speak better french by Easter holidays.
*to be able to pick up another language fluently.
*to save more money (or at least try my best to)

I think I shouldn't be too ambitious.
And of course, there are more, but....somethings are just better left unsaid. (;
What are *your* resolutions for this year?

The Mad Hat Party

Ok, so we're guilty of a little enjoyment. Was just chilling out after toiling for my assessment yesterday, and things just went crazy! We started talking about hats, and everyone took out theirs, and started exchanging, and since Luisa just got a new digital camera for Christmas, she took loads of shots, experimenting with different poses. We were all a little mental, then. I guess it's all after the unloading of stress and tension from our projects. Esther and me are going to pick up calligraphy to relieve stress, and I think I've got potential of getting hooked to it because I simply love doodling with the pen! Esther's picked up another hobby-knitting. We bought some yarn a few weeks back, and she's knitting me a scarf from it. It seems to be a very old-women sort of gathering yesterday, with us just discussing life, and doing granny things like having tea while knitting and doing calligraphy. We stayed up till 3.30 in the morning, and thank god we didn't have college today!

Am still sitting with Benedict Bull, and well, there seems to be some underlying conflict between him and Luke, the frenchboy. Which I still don't get, coz they both seem to have quite a lot in common. Then again, I could be wrong. Anyways, Benedict lent me a Mr Scruff dvd, which had Mr Scruff's animation on it, very cool!

And of course, there are the french lessons I'm taking from Camille. I just saw Benoir, who is the other french person who's kind of my tutor too, and he says I'm improving! *grin*
The whole foundation year is going to the cinema tomorrow, because Cinema season has started for us, ongoing for the next eight weeks, we have cinema every Friday. Hmm...I wonder what we're watching tomorrow....

Will update soon, I hope!


"I think I'm dying of a broken heart
if there is such a thing.
Something must have gone wrong,
I just stopped feeling."


Monday, January 05, 2004

This May Come Late...

Gosh, it's 2004 already, and it's been about *four* months since I've been here in London... Had a fantabulous time for new year's, went to see Mr Scruff, this big time dj spin at this NYE party at the Forum at Kentish Town, and man, it was one maaassssiveeee party! Loads of people were dancing, getting sloshed and just having a hellova time. Went down with Michelle and Esther and Esther's friends, but we kinda lost them along the way, but hey, it was fun still!! A new year, and new resolutions, I just hope everybody keeps them!

Got to rush for my assessment due on Wednesday. Will blog again soon, I hope. And another new recipe! (It seems like ages since I gave any).
Good luck everyone for the new years!!!