Haven't been lyric-surfing for sometime now...just something I thought interesting...and reflected how I've been feeling.
Do You Know
Underneath the weight
Of a heavy sky
I will grow my wings
I will learn to fly
Cause even though my heart is
Big enough to fly away
Underneath the confidence
I will never say I'm strong enough
To be alone
Do you know do you know
Do you know how it feels to be angry
Do you know how it feels to be hurt
When you live all your life for a moment
Just to prove that you know what it's worth
Do you know
I will show no fear
I won't hide my scars
I will learn to give
I will love what's ours
Monday, January 26, 2004
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

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