Tuesday, November 25, 2003


Selamat Hari Raya everyone!!! (:

Next week is a new beginning (kinda), with us(the foundation students), going into our pathways-specializing in either communication, design or art. I'm going into communication, specializing in illustration, and pray I do ok. Had my assessment today*phew*, and I did okay, I've gotten consistently high goods (my grades) in the previous 4 projects...and talked to my tutor for a little bit about what I intended to do after this foundation year. I talked to her about doing an illustration BA, and she asked me to check out Brighton, or stay in Camberwell. She said she could see me being in Brighton though. *shrugs* Will go check it out...Brighton's a pretty good school and she said I'd probably like it there...by the river and all.

Well, enuff of the boring stuff, ... I've been doing lots of work, so I deserve a break. I have tomorrow and Thursday off, so it's just back to college on Friday for my Printmaking PDU. *sigh*
There *was* this boy though....that I met in the printing room...brown hair, grey eyes...

Friday, November 21, 2003

You Know You're Stuck In London When:

You say things like, "twat", "dodgy", "yeaaa", "you reckon", "you alright?"
You dress funny and nobody bats an eyelid.
You belong in an art college and that's not a big deal.
You have jacket potatoes with cheese and beans for lunch.
You have a bar IN the school.
Your new friends seriously go drinking more than once a week.
Your new friends hang out at the bar everyday.
Your new friends go to the bar for lunch.
You see bars everywhere.
You realize that it gets dark at 4pm.
You realize that 6pm outside looks like 11pm.
You wake up and it's foggy and cold outside.
You start picking up foreign european languages.

And yes, I'm still here.
And the feeling is sometimes unreal.

And, I've been trying to pick up French and Japanese. (:

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Oh Pathetic Misery

I know Dawn would probably be rolling her eyes and cursing me for this topic. No, I´m trying not to go on with this "O, woe is me" attitude, and I admit it´s pathetic (hence, the topic).
I really do feel miserable. And everyone seems to be too busy with their busy lives to care. It´s more miserable because I have mixed feelings about everything, I´m happy, sad, angry all at the same time. It´s terrible. I just don´t know how to explain it. I wished there was such a machine that could screen out my thoughts and project it onto an external image. It would have made it much easier.

Just came back from a pub in around Esther´s workplace at Sloane Square with the girls today, because they needed to drink so bad. I guess I needed my sugar boost as well, so we went. It was a small little bar off the corner of the street, but it was nice and cozy, and besides, we haven´t had a long talk with Michelle for such a long while, so we just hung out there. Michelle didn´t like the place so much, but Esther and me quite enjoyed it. May go back there sometime. I may as well get used to all the drinking around me.

I´m craving for chendol. Will try to persuade Eujin (this singaporean guy living in halls, who´s been in london for 2 years now) to bring me down to Central London to hunt for it tomorrow. Will try my luck looking for him later. Terribly bloated right now. Hah! The man himself just stepped in..YAYYY...the cendol hunt is on...hehehe...oh, by the way, he turned 24 yesterday. Wah, so old.... *grin*

Am still trying my best to eat my vegetables.. had omelette with sauteed mushrooms and tomatoes and cheese yesterday. At least I tried...Saka should be proud (she´s always nagging how I never eat enough vegetables). I´m still trying. I told her I´ll start eating salad *GASP* once the fasting month is over. I really need to eat healthy and lose some weight. Majorly.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Mucking Around

I'm in my school canteen,..weird pace to be surfing the net, but I've got to make do. First on the line, HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLINATHAN!!!!!!! *Finally* 22, hahaha...my GOD...it's gonna be *my* turn soon... ): (I'm sorry I missed the actual date...been bogged down with assessments and stuff.)
Really supposed to be doing work right now, but my mind's not on it at the moment..today's the first day for my printmaking technical, so I guess the tutor just didn't really know what to do with us, and got rid of us two hours before lunchbreak. Supposed to be researching on the topic Volatile Circus, but I guess I just feel really baaaad and I'm just gonna fuck it and skive.
Any ideas, for the topic, though?

I dropped my CVs down at Oxford St last Friday for a job, and the people at the vintage section from Miss Selfridge got back to me. Will be going down for the interview on Sunday, so wish me luck. I *REALLY* need the job.

Been writing my poetry again. Met some new people who are into it as well, so that's refreshing. But it's always because of misery that the writings begin in the first place.
That expains a lot about the mood I'm in these days, doesn't it?
After awhile,...there is no pain. Just immunity.

It Feels....

like nothing short of dying.
Like some part inside just slowly diminishes away.
Decaying internally.
Into nothingness.
And then there is nothing
but the numbness that follows.
And there's just nothing LEFT.


Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Halloween Party

Last Friday was our Halloween party night. Everyone was excited, and tried their best to dress up. The time came for Shin to come out as a woman..hhahaa..He'd bought a satin slip, fishnet stockings and heels from a charity shop..even hair extensions!!! Seikichi went as the Sadako from The Ring,with hair extensions as well...haha..the boys are nuts. Seikichi cut his bedsheets into his costume. Saka went as a bunny, but she looks more like a playboy playmate than anything else..hahaha.. I didn't have a costume, so i kinda went as a slutty schoolgirl, but that came out so wrong....d: Esther didn't have a costume though, but she ended up looking like an eskimo due to her furry hat.

The party wasn't too happening, and it ended too early, but they continued in the tower on the 5th floor. There was so much flirting and drama, and most people were really drunk, so it was even more fun to watch. We stayed till about 4am when Esther and the boys got a bit hungry so we cooked a lil bite. It wasn't fantastic, but I'm sure there'll be more parties to come anyways.

I'm on a week's break (it's reading week), because it's half-term, and besides, we've got to work on our essays about our chosen artists anyway. I hate writing essays with a passion, and especially since it's 1000 words long. (I know, it's not THAT bad...but I just hate it anyway!)

Saka's birthday is coming up this week, and suddenly, so many people's birthday are coming....Michelle, my sis, my own, Esther's, Colin's...Don's.... MY GOD!!!! I'm gonna be soooooo broke.. ):

*ps Wan: I'm glad you liked the card. GroooOOooovy, innit?! (: