Friday, November 14, 2003

Mucking Around

I'm in my school canteen,..weird pace to be surfing the net, but I've got to make do. First on the line, HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLINATHAN!!!!!!! *Finally* 22,'s gonna be *my* turn soon... ): (I'm sorry I missed the actual date...been bogged down with assessments and stuff.)
Really supposed to be doing work right now, but my mind's not on it at the's the first day for my printmaking technical, so I guess the tutor just didn't really know what to do with us, and got rid of us two hours before lunchbreak. Supposed to be researching on the topic Volatile Circus, but I guess I just feel really baaaad and I'm just gonna fuck it and skive.
Any ideas, for the topic, though?

I dropped my CVs down at Oxford St last Friday for a job, and the people at the vintage section from Miss Selfridge got back to me. Will be going down for the interview on Sunday, so wish me luck. I *REALLY* need the job.

Been writing my poetry again. Met some new people who are into it as well, so that's refreshing. But it's always because of misery that the writings begin in the first place.
That expains a lot about the mood I'm in these days, doesn't it?
After awhile,...there is no pain. Just immunity.


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