Thursday, October 30, 2003

And From Here I Continue My Journey...

I apologize for not writing sooner...
There has been so much going on, and with the computer systems down in the halls the last week, it's been so hard to do anything at all. I *may* get cable soon, so I can use the internet from the comforts of my room.

I got a "good" for my last assessment, and it's one grade below "outstanding" (which, should be Ok...*BUT* it's also one grade above "satisfactory"....*sigh*.Personally,I'm not too happy with it. Yesterday was our second assessment for our 3centimetercube project, and I stayed up all of the night (and slept all of 3 hours) to finish my final piece, which is a painting...perhaps, I'll post a photo of it up when I get it back. (:

School has been so hectic, but sometimes, I feel so lost in which direction I should go for my projects. Thank god Peter, my tutor is god-sent...he's been so patient and well as encouraging.

I feel like I've got a little "family" here now, on the floor which I live on, because when I was sick for the past week, Saka and Shin were so nice to make me congee for dinner, and asked me if I needed them to get anything from the shops for me. It's times like these I miss my mum the most, but she should be glad that the people here are treating me very well. We're going to have a mini dinner party at the end of the week, and we're gonna cook something nice, eat together and chill. Saka's going to make some japanese food, and I have to carefully plan what to cook. It's quite hard now, with the fasting month already here, and it's harder when it's cold and you're hungry all the time. But thank god, the days are shorter, so I only fast from about 6:45am to maybe 4:50pm. (:
I've survived so far...

School Matters:

WAS sitting with: Suhail (Sal)
IS sitting with now: Lee Peters and Andrea Edwards

I moved from the seat with Sal coz he was coughing too much, and frankly, when someone does that and doesn't bother to cover their mouth, it's terribly DISgusting! I'm just afraid long term, I might just catch something from him, so it's for my own good. He was beginning to annoy me anyways, with his coughing and smoking (and he has asthma...he should really quit) and well, he's so distracting, asking silly questions everytime I'm trying to do my project. He's 31, but what the hell is he doing in foundation man!?!!

Moved to the front desk where Andrea and Lee are sitting, because Andrea knows of my predicament,and she invited me to move. We got on so well as a table that they asked me to stay. Lee actually went like "can we keep you?" aw...he's so sweet, (although sometimes he gives me the creeps the way he watches me do my work) but I've been sitting there since. He smells pretty soapy and nice, so I forgive him. (:

will be continued.


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