Hello again.
I know that I've been missing in action again,so hey, it's great to write once again!
Been a drastically hectic week, and Saturday flew by sooooo fast!!! Met up with Bao and Don for lunch, while the other bunch ( Zaihan, Hisham, Wan and Shushen) joined us later for a little (actually A LOT) of chocolates for munchies. Hahaa..trust me, by the time everyone was done with their mud pies and brownies, we were all pretty *high* and were creating such a din at the Coffeeclub at Holland V. It was fun though, ...and I'm sure gonna miss the lot. Never laughed so much in the past week- and by the end of it, I'm guessing everyone was having jaw cramps. *grin*
Meanwhile.....been trying to do last minute shopping for supplies, meeting up with friends....and well...staying at home? Haven't been too happy with my mom lately, but, everything has cooled down already (phew).
I'm quite satisfied that I did manage to settle some unresolved issues, and although I kind of thought it was silly in the beginning,..I pray everything turns out for the best.
What can I say? Oh well...there's always Buble to look forward to tomorrow. Psst..I'VE GOT TIX!!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!! *hahahhahaha...... (:
Sunday, September 14, 2003
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

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