"You're watching your step but you fall as you're walking.
You take it in stride but still you fall as you're walking.
Big sky above me, a river inside me
And I'm doubled up in love.
Feels good it feels like poetry
Don't ask me to explain it just
Feels good, like poetry,
I'm doubled up again."
Heather Nova-Doubled Up
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

Previous Posts
- It's Different Now Time is not on my side. It's o...
- Impromptu I probably owe this month a helluva lot...
- At Long Last... I *finally* managed to log in aft...
- Failure Mr Sexy is gone. Finito. He's apparantly ...
- The Burning Has Started The 7th month has begun. ...
- Counting The Days Before I logged in just a momen...
- And All Is Quiet Dammit. Piggy can't seem to book...
- On Cloud 9 Yesterday totally blew me away. I arri...
- It's Getting *Hot* In Here... Shoot. I think I'm ...
- My dear, dear friend Nana sent this to me. I thoug...
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