Friday, August 01, 2003

Counting The Days

Before I logged in just a moment ago, my head was brimming with thoughts and excitement to fill in the empty space of my current blog. Either my brain has stopped functioning or I'm getting *that* more absentminded that I have completely forgotten what I wanted to put in earlier.

I've only got a month and a half to go before I leave for London, and it seems that the days are flying off the calender faster than I imagine. I've fallen into somewhat a mundane routine of sleep-wake up-work-sleep. I'm missing everybody already, and I'm not even gone.

Work was such a pain today-no, let me correct that, the people at work (in Taka) were such a pain, especially an outstanding two whom I have named "Princess" and "Fishmonger" respectively. Don't even ask. The lame nicknames represent even lamer individuals, thus, it's justified.

My legs are killing me.
I'm just waiting for my pay to come in, least I'd be able to live a little.


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