Tuesday, July 22, 2003

On Cloud 9

Yesterday totally blew me away. I arrived in Heeren to be greeted by the all-smiling Mr SexxxY a.k.a the-temperature-guy. He took my temperature, and somehow he tried to convince me that he did remember my name. Well, it was quite a laugh, and he is ever so adorable(We flirted for a whole five minutes). *giggle* Oh yes, he did remember my name. Hehehe..he even bid me goodbye as I went up. Was on cloud nine the whole morning after, and as with good moods, the sales for the day was pretty alright as well. Sold a helluva lot of Ballet shoes, which are our most expensive ones, and that really made my day. Of course, there was the temperature taking session later in the afternoon...*giggle*..(sorry, I just can't help myself)...although his colleagues did ask me which race I belonged to..and he pointed to Mr Sexxxy (see, it's not just one X) as being of mixed blood. I didn't question much, although Mr Sexxxy seemed to wanna get my opinion on that...I was busy serving a customer (dammit!). Luckily she bought the shoe..haha..anyway, it really isn't her fault..it's just...*Bad* timing? hahaha..

I was doing full shift the whole day, and I think I was so bored out of my mind that I played Spider Solitaire like a hundred times on the computer. Luckily I closed the window in time when Pheobe and Eugene (my big bosses, minus Benny..*phew*) popped by for a surprise visit. Pauline apparantly didn't have the best of days, with Taka sales threatening to hit a zero, but I guess lady luck was on her side coz she sold two pairs of shoes within the last ten minutes. That mustabeen such a relief.

Did my shift in the shop with Pauline the day before, and you can bet we had such a crazy time trying to pass the time. Pauline got a bit wonky (I think it's the lack of coffee), and she was trying her best to irritate the hell out of me. I was apparantly the (ONLY) victim as there wasn't anyone around she could bully. We had fun though. Almost didn't make it out of the shop alive, was getting stitches from laughing so much.

Haha..Pauline's probably gonna kill me for this (I'm sure she'd threaten to sit and fart on me), but I just had to add it in coz it's soooo funny! She *ACTUALLY* thinks that *I* can speak German! HHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAa...oops, sorry babes..it was too good to refuse. I think it all started out coz I'm always mumbling to Dennis in my fake German accent, and I think somehow she bought it...The other day she just asked me how do the Germans say "good?", and I was like, "why are you asking me?". Her reply was,"But,don't you know how to speak German?" *grin*
It's flattering, really, that she thinks that I'm *soooo* talented (NoT!), but the truth is, I only do the accents babes! When I do get to Europe and if I ever pick up Zherr-man (hehee), I'd let you know. (:


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