Friday, July 04, 2003

Someone Step On The Ice-Cream Please!

Haha, yup, got that right! There was a lump of chocolate ice-cream which fell on the floor in front of Crepes & Cream this afternoon, just a scoop, which Dennis and me couldn't help but wish for someone to step on and fall. It looked really gross, but when you're bored, even other people's misery is entertainment enough. The ice-cream got kicked around *TWICE*..haha..poor buggers..but it was so fun to watch people almost stepping on it. Our fun was short-lived when the cleaners came to wipe it up(Damn!).

Met up with Dawn and Francine(who were LATE, by the way..coz they were at the arcade..aarghhh!) yesterday, we just had coffee and hung out awhile. They said that I look very tired I just getting older? Are my wrinkles showing? I certainly HOPE NOT! Gosh..haven't seen them for ages, since I stopped teaching. Had such a laugh, and I definately missed them. Some things just never change. (:

Went out for dinner with Pauline today, but not before I got my second pair of uniform shoes (actually fourth...hee..) from Dennis. So, *YAY*! Nothing could be better than free shoes that people actually *pay* to wear..hehee.. I can't believe it's been three months on the job already..(we get new shoes every three months)..time really flies. *sigh*

Golly, I should really get some shuteye. Don't wanna be growing new wrinkles, do we? *wink* (;
Tomorrow's the weekend,..YAYYYYYYYY!


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