It's Getting *Hot* In Here...
Shoot. I think I'm becoming more gay-fied. It's not like I discriminate against them, but lately, their way of greeting has kinda taken me by surprise. No longer do I get hugs from them, but they do the kiss-on-the-cheek thing. It's weird, being kissed by guys who are more interested in other guys. No offence, anyone. Didn't mean to sound prudish. d: Oh. I get kissed by girls too. This is not normal. Never happened all at the same time before for me anyway. It's too much! hahaa...
Anyways...when I came in to Hereen for work today and went to take my temperature taken, the guy gave me a nice smile and I went like WOW. The new temperature-taking guy has a very impressive set of pearly whites..and a Cindy Crawford mole above his upper lip. OOoo..SeXXXxxxyyyy! *greow*! Hahaha..he's quite okay lookin to boot too- tall, tanned, atheletic looking, and of course, those teeth! Gosh. I just need to get him to remember my name now..hahaa!
Thursday, July 17, 2003
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

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