Sunday, August 10, 2003

At Long Last...

I *finally* managed to log in after several failed attempts to use my IE. I'm just jinxed, I tell you!!! *sigh*

Anyways, here are the highlights from the previous days.

Was working at Taka, but it was worth the wait(!), as Sham and Pauline met up with me later and we had our dinner at Swensens. We've never really been out all together, although I've gone out with Pauline numerous times, but it was fun asking Sham along as well. It's the eve of National Day, so the queue to get into Swensens was quite a killer. Managed to get seats, and we had an absolutely fab time bitching about *the thing* and everthing else. Not forgetting we managed to sneak in a lil' peep at the eye candy around! Haha..Sham even took out his glasses to have a better look!(We were looking at the cute guy with the perky ass..) *grin*
We were so in need to spite the stupid minah, that we wished that she was working night at Heeren and they would come around to declare we were all going out and that she wasn't invited! Hahaha..what have become of us...gosh..we're so meaaann....(and proud of it!)... (:
We ended up so full after our ice-cream that Sham and me decided to take a cab back was getting late anyway. We should do it sometime again, aye, people? I know I had fun!

It's National Day! No, that came out totally wrong-I'm not so patriotic. babies were over and had breakfast out with the whole family, and it's nice, since we haven't done that for sometime. I missed my babies so much lately. Later agreed to meet Don in town, since I started work late (thanks to the best bm in the world *wink*)...and we had lunch and walked around for a bit. Discovered this really yummy snack (I still don't know what's it called), which is deep fried, with a variety of flavours. It kinda looks like a courgette. It was quite an unlucky day, coz we bumped into a few people that we didn't really like. It's annoying how it happened, but maybe it's coz the whole country just decided to be out all at the same time, aye? Talk about fate.
Bumped into Colin and gf twice (the only pleasant people we bumped into the whole day), and it's nice to see they're doing alright. Tried to shop, but decided against it. I really have to start saving.

Hey, that's today! Hahaha...I just *have* to put this in- a very very veeerrrryyy long-lost friend just e-mailed me! I didn't even know he had my e-mail address, but wow...I'm, make that pleasantly surprised..nicee... The last time I recalled having any form of contact with him whatsoever was when we were still snail-mailing each other like...eons of years ago!
Gosh. Talk about being dumbstruck.


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