Saturday, September 20, 2003

All Things New & Foreign

Four seems like forever. After a teary goodbye on the 16th, it was time to face the music. I am alone, at last, some new and exciting place, and shouldn't I be over the moon?! Alas, the leaving itself was excruciating...I flew away with a heavy heart.

It's awfully lonesome here, but I've managed to make a few aquaintences, here and there..and everyone has been helpful and kind. There's always a smiling face when you need one, and that, is what sets London apart from home.

There are so many things that have changed since the last time I was here, and it's really amazing, that after all this fumbling around, I am still alive and in one piece. It's not as hard as I thought, to get around on the tube and buses, long as I knew where I was going, all I had to do was open my mouth and ask.

It's the end of Summer here, and I've been blessed with good weather so far- breezy and sunny (sometimes *too* sunny!), and I've not seen a drop of rain. It's getting colder by the day, but I've got my trusty scarf (thanks, Wan!) to keep me warm in the meantime.

There is nothing like a visit to a gallery or museum to mentally inspire and tire you out. Just got back from the Tate Modern, and boy, there was just soooo much to absorb and see! I bought a book, by Neil Gaiman, called "The Wolves In The Walls", and the illustrations are fantastic (Dawn, you should know this..!) It was a splurge, of course..£12.66. But dammit, it's pretty thick for a children's storybook!!!

Yesterday, I went to the newly opened Saatchi gallery, and well, things there were morbid, weird and wonderful. Never thought that art would be this stimulating. I bet that they're never going to have such explicit exhibits back home...*sigh*

Wow...there is just so much I could gush on about here...I'm beginning to understand the reason I came in the first place. I've loved London, and well...I'm here, aren't I? I just miss the people back home sorely...

Ok...gotta legs are killing me!!! (I've been walking *ALLLLLL* day.....)
Till next time...

*the Boss Security is have problems with the swipe's some really patient guy!


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