I've got a confession to make...I'm obsessive. About *peanut butter and jam on toast*! Hahhaa...(most of you must be rolling your eyes about now, and going like...cheyy....) Esther and me probably have had it like *everyday* for breakfast and after dinner, and my god....we're ADDICTED!!!!!! There's no way around it, really,...it's quite tragic.
Cooked rice successfully yesterday (woopee!), without the convenience of a rice-cooker around, it went terribly well. Made fried rice with it, and stir fried some vegetables (yes...I'm trying to eat my greens...). I miss my mum's cooking! Most of the time though, I'm either too lazy or tired so, I've been trying to inprovise on the canned soups...like eating it with pasta, or adding my own ingredients. Its cheap and well, it's alright. Made mistrone the other day, and it was nice to finally have something substantial that didn't come out of a can.
This week has been so hectic...
Had painting class today, and well, it's the very first time I'm seriously painting an abstract perspective. It's well, a very new approach to me, anyways. The days are passing by so fast, with homework and stuff, it's so tiring! I come home almost everyday feeling knackered (or so they say here).
I'm not feeling too well these days, and it could be that school is kinda bringing me down. It's good that we're kept busy most of the times, but seriously, there's more and more people absent because they were ill. The guy who sits in front of me keeps coughing,and it's really annoying. I've been kinda spaced-out since the beginning of the week, and somehow that makes me seem introverted (I know I'm not, but seriously, I'm very different in school here...maybe it's coz I'm still not quite accustomed with the people here). I think I've been doing pretty well, and I've got good reviews of my work. I hope I'll do alright when the assesment comes.
Sigh, it's freezing these days...the only consolation is dinner with Esther, good converstions in the tv room, hot chocolate, and of course, peanut butter and jam on toast. (: And of course, the occassional e-mails that I expect my FRIENDS to send. Haha...and well, snail mails of course...*hint*hint*
By the way, we have the most entertaining characters here: a guy who looks like John Lennon (I'm *NOT* kidding) called Kit, Pepe Le Pew (issat how it's spelled?..)- this french guy Benoir, and my crazy neighbour this japanese guy-Shin. We've got weirdos all around... can't seem to escape them, aye?! Hahaa...it's nice though...free entertainment is always good.
:: My classmate Carly says to try melted cheddar slices on toast with jam. I think she's crazy but I may just try. (:
Saturday, October 11, 2003
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

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