Friday, November 21, 2003

You Know You're Stuck In London When:

You say things like, "twat", "dodgy", "yeaaa", "you reckon", "you alright?"
You dress funny and nobody bats an eyelid.
You belong in an art college and that's not a big deal.
You have jacket potatoes with cheese and beans for lunch.
You have a bar IN the school.
Your new friends seriously go drinking more than once a week.
Your new friends hang out at the bar everyday.
Your new friends go to the bar for lunch.
You see bars everywhere.
You realize that it gets dark at 4pm.
You realize that 6pm outside looks like 11pm.
You wake up and it's foggy and cold outside.
You start picking up foreign european languages.

And yes, I'm still here.
And the feeling is sometimes unreal.

And, I've been trying to pick up French and Japanese. (:


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