My Shell, My Solace.
A view of my room from the terrace. You can't see much, but it's enough.
This is the place that I've been hiding in for the past few months. My room, my shell, my solace.
Finally, Broccoli!
My fimo broccoli is finally taking shape after several failed attempts.
It's been so annoying, it's actually quite hard to build up, till I realized that it's almost like building a small tree. So now it's pale and white, but at least my other little vegetable characters have eyes now, and some, moustches!
So here is my broccoli, in all of its broken-like-tree glory and not quite green yet.
Four more weeks to go. And then sudden DEATH!...*panics*

Fimo vs Real Thing

Semi-finished state
Finally, Hard Work Bears Some Fruit!
Yup, been working hard on these I have been constantly reminding here's a sneak peek at what I've managed to put together so far...

The Bucket, The Songs,The Crazy Conversations, The Painting,..Must Be The Coffee!
Three blogs in one day. Listening to the same tracklist on repeat. Stuck to singing The Kings of Leon's 'The Bucket' for the hundredth time...Been online almost the whole day in between painting my canvases and fimo. Wow. Must really be the coffee!
Update: For a usually non-coffee drinker, I'm on my third mug of the day. Yes, MUG.
There's a lot of work to be done and so if I have to fidget and buzz doing it, so it shall be!
Will Pimp For Some Canvases And Candy
I'm in dire need for a few hundred (I'm exaggerating..maybe another fifteen?) canvases, about A5 or A4 size. Thing is, I'm enjoying working with canvases so much, I use them up ever so quickly. And the candy? For my counting book/ story of course! I mean, did you really have to ask...?
Don't mind me, I think all this painting has gone to my brain just a wee bit.
I hope to put the pictures of some completed stuff up soon. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Supposed To Be Painting Some Goddamn Fimo...
Yes, it's 1:17am and after half a cup of very strong coffee, I'm still awake, still listening to The Fratellis to keep me company on this journey of no-life zone...writing emails at the strangest hours when I'm supposed to be doing work. Ok, so I deserve a break from squinting and's quite late and I hate painting at night when all my colours seem to get confusing. But thanks to Diana's daylight stimulation lightbulb, my room looks bright (and almost blinding) though I'm sure that once I put my head on my pillow to rest, I'll be out like a light. For now, I must go on and resist the temptation of my wonderful bed. It's down to cutting and pasting on the floors again in a minute, I'm afraid..!
Found this from the toothpastefordinner website...something that made me laugh- uncanny representation of my own working ethics!
Listening To And Loving: 'Henrietta' by The Fratellis
I'm stuck to this album. I think it's the catchiest album I've heard in a long while. Well, then again, I don't mind listening to new music on repeat while I work insanely on my projects... I have been perched on my bed the whole day (okay, almost a whole day) rolling balls of fimo and trying to make them into characters for my counting book. Here's a glimpse of what it looks like at the moment...just a piece of my bed and the chaos that filled it!
Happy Easter!
Sam says that I can't wish people Happy Easter because I'm muslim, but I'm just wishing, I don't really care for the tradition..though there are the chocolates....Easter's good for chocolates,...but then all holidays are! Mmm...
Just had the biggest meal of fried wontons, wonton noodles, fried cai xin and soya sauce chicken... And of course, I made chocolate cake!
We took a walk before dinner around Camberwell, hoping the nursery would be open to get Einstien (my pet lavender plant) a friend, but shops were mainly closed, seeing that it is a public holiday. Not all is lost though, Don plucked the prettiest bluebells and gave a stalk each to Bis and I.
Back to the birds (the canvas piece I'm working on now)... looks like another late night for me!
040407- Newton Faulkner LIVE at Bush Hall
Newton was AMAZING. I think I can say everyone left with a great big grin on their faces, it was so entertaining!
Anyway, the opening acts were pretty good and Bis and I left with a couple of cds (yay!). After Jon T, who was a hippy guitar-strumming singer/songwriter, came Kate Walsh, then Newton himself. But this song by the girl really got to me. Hm...
Your Song- Kate Walsh
Haven’t you heard?
I’m stuck on a verse…
I’m stuck on a boy
Who fills me with joy
I knew I was wrong
To jump straight on into this
Picture so pretty
But he is so pretty
to me
And he doesn’t know
Just how far I would go
Just to kiss him
He doesn't know how I pine...
Beautiful Curses...
I thought it was over, but it seems that I am wrong. I was wrong. I've always been wrong.
Today, when I saw him, all I remembered were the secret hugs, the warm smile, the nervous laughter...the kiss in the rain...reluctant goodbyes on the front porch. I walk on the Green and I'm reminded that there isn't anyone to wait at the bus stop for me, to toss a coin, go for a walk, sit on the swings and share Maltesers.
I guess I'm still hung up about the beautiful blue-eyed boy.