Thursday, September 28, 2006

Storm In A Teacup

I have dreaded this day- The day I go back to university, the day I see all these pretentious people hanging out in front of the building on the steps thinking that they're cool and fab. What a waste of time, it's really vomit-worthy.

But I get to see my friends again, so the fuss is worth it... I guess.
Life's a bit back to normal. Soon-ish.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I Rememeber Someone Wrote,'Nori Nori Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?'

Hahha....I'm sure the guilty party who wrote in orange pen on a yellow paper knows who he is...(yeah you, Mr+Mrs Mini Afro)!
Anwyay, the weather has been bad for the humans living in the house, but the plants are definitely enjoying it. Imagine my happiness when I uncovered this little gem from amongst my precious strawberry bush!
Taking into consideration that this is one of the plants that almost died and had to be in the ICU of the amateur gardener (me!), it's amazing that it's survived and flourished!!!
As my housemate Bisola would say,' I am so chuffed!'

Moments Of Creativity

Been feeling quite inspired lately. Not sure whether it's because my room is relatively clean and clutter-free (though, not really anymore, but I try..) or that it's a phase- a rather productive and good one, I might add, that I'm going through.

Diana had a birthday about a few weeks ago. Although she was ill on that happy occassion and we didn't manage to get to Wagamama's for a little celebration, we made sure we were not without cake and presents at home! She was very surprised on receiving her presents from me- her fav soap, two very colourful plastic flowerpots and mini Miss Di!
And of course, who would wanna miss out on the homemade chocolate and pear cake???!!!

Miss Di with her sparkles tiara
Mini Miss Di that I made

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Big Clean-Up

Monday was a very productive day indeed. It all started like a chain reaction- one person starts clearing up, then another, then soon everyone was busy tidying around the house. I'm reading this book about decluttering my life (The Life Laundry: How to De-Junk Your Life by Dawn Walter ) and it has been such a big help to me. I've given away half of my wardrobe and stuff to charity or to sell in second-hand shops, which hopefully means I'll get a bit of moolah back.

It's true though, once your life is decluttered- away with things you don't wear or don't need that takes up too much uneccessary space, you do feel more positive. It's definitely been more condusive working in my room.
Anyway, I feel a start of change for the better- I've been more productive, I've got an interview in Bath with a children's publishing company and now, yes now, a job at Nickelodeon. It's for just two weeks, doing props, buying and other art department duties, but hey, it's at Nickelodeon, so who cares right?!!!
Woo hoo, I've got a job!!!!!! (:

Monday, September 11, 2006

A Bout Of Sea- Sickness

Have to quit hanging out at Queen Mary. The rocking of the ship really gets to you. And if you sit at the bow, you feel like hurling way before you can get food into your system.
But then there are the very nice curly fries.... and nachos.... and sometimes, if your lucky, the very hot barstaff. So we keep going there. (: (Although this guy asked me for ID for buying a fucking COKE! Aaargh!!!)
So yeah. It is otherwise very nice watching the world go by- all the tourists on the Thames taking our dodgy pictures from their cruises and wave excitiedly to everybody.
How I wish I were on holiday.

My new housemate moved in yesterday. Turns out she's got a sewing machine she isn't too sure how to use. Is this a sign?

Been trying to erase my feelings and erase the memories of P. It's still been tough going. I'm sure he's already forgotten about me. Like it never happened. Like it never mattered.

The Land Of Dysfunctional Dreams

Been having very strange dreams lately. Very strange, very funny, mostly scary.
Soon all my friends will be back here. Still no news of work placement. *sigh*

Finally got to go online at my own leisure again. So here are more pics of the exhibition.
Doesn't the place look kinda dreamy....?

The view from outside
Diana scrutinizing a balloon
My work. 'My Little Robokat'

Sunday, September 03, 2006


This is what the exhibition is all about: Featuring work exclusively by artists who have shown in the gallery since its birth, FUTURE FIRST presents a floating exhibition of the future. Each artist's work is encapsulated in a helium balloon that will slowly sink to eye level, shrink, and plummet to the ground through the passing of time. HISTORY LAST presents itself in the newly refurbished interactive blackboards of The Residence's Black in Back Room. Here you will find a revised history of art proposed by a survey of public opinion. Through a process of osmosis where historical information is filtered by media, culture, class, rumour, education and personal preference, we reveal the more hidden impacts of art history and the significance of its relationship to the outside world.

So here's how the exhibition looked:
Okay, so it was better than I thought. Or rather, not as bad as I thought...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Waiting

Today is the day of the exhibition at Residence. I have a bad feeling about it.......
If all else fails...I'll just get Diana to drag me home.
I'll just take pictures then. Or try to. We'll see.
I am so ashamed of my work. So ashamed.