Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Me Thinks Me Is Going Crazy...

All I want to do is reply emails. I can't stand asking the people in my house for the bills money, coz I'm repeating myself till I'm blue in the face....and people think I'm over-reacting?!!! Seriously, I know everyone is busy, has their own lives to live, but hey, bills are anywhere else you go, if you can't be responsible for this small little part, who else is going to pay it off?!!AARrghhh!!!!!! I just HATE getting warnings and summons for OVERDUE payments, BECAUSE we really have no reason to....!!!!

Right now, I hate everyone. I don't give two fucks about this place anymore!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Wherever Life Takes Me

...Another person I know is getting married. Some others have their own business, some have amazing careers and the rest...they are where they want to be in life. I am only in my 2nd year of my degree, hoping to get somewhere. But am I really? Recently I've decided that this dream I've come halfway around the world to chase will and is the only factor that keeps me going. If, I decide that this is not what I want to do, it's too late. I can't look back now to the life that I could have had if I remained in Singapore.

But perhaps this is really where I want to be. Not necessarily in London, but just drifting around, leaving my mark every place I go. Maybe that's the life I haven't decided that I want.

Is the safe way always the best way?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I Wish I Were A Machine...

There is so much to do, preparing for competitions...that I'm npt quite sure what I'm doing anymore....I think I've gone off track....how annoying.

What's the point of trying when I should just stop overloading???

Saturday, March 18, 2006

No Taste...!

No sense of smell, no sense of taste, everything's pretty much numb or not functioning properly.
It sucks to be so ill. Still, with the presentation over AND still working my ass off at the shop at the same time,...my schoolwork and blog has sort of been neglected. My bad. One consolation though, my portfolio is beginning to unfold slowly....verrrrryyy slowly. But that's one achievement to at least be proud of now. (:

But tonight, tonight we celebrate!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bad Luck Befalls Me

On the few days that I decide to be a conscientious student, the only day of the week that all illustration students are allowed to use the printmaking room, it is closed because the staff are on strike (yet they are back in business tomorrow...the irony). So no more work done for today, except try to get my online portfolio going, but progress is slow. But check it out anyway, okay?

Monday, March 06, 2006

Days Crashing On Tim Tams & Milk...

I haven't eaten properly all day, from the moment I woke up all I've had were two puny sized pitta bread with red pepper hoummus. Rushed to school at ten to get my cards cut by Ian (with the ultracool guillotine that they have in Letterpress) and resumed printing my pictures. They turned out all right, till I panicked when just opening my files crashed every computer I was on.

After running amok for half an hour, I decided to go home, have a shout and try my best to finish everything else that needed doing. A scanner and a faster computer is definately helpful at this point, but alas, I am reminded of my lack of these miracle workers.

I then had some Tim Tams Mr P. brought from Oz, dipped in cold milk. Desperation.

Computers in school started working again, thank god(!), but not before uttering every prayer I know while opening my supposedly corrupted files.

Two weeks for a competition is definately not enough!!! Aarghhhhhhh....
AND I found out that my tutor knows nothing about the entry requirements AND that we have to pay about £18 entry fee to join the competition. Bugger.

I have to go home now, eat...be entertained...and well...do more work! *sigh*

*Flickr is down, or rather, it says it's having a massage(why do they give personalities to obviously inanimate objects, I don't know), so no pictures I can load today. Double bugger.