No Taste...!
No sense of smell, no sense of taste, everything's pretty much numb or not functioning properly.
It sucks to be so ill. Still, with the presentation over AND still working my ass off at the shop at the same time, schoolwork and blog has sort of been neglected. My bad. One consolation though, my portfolio is beginning to unfold slowly....verrrrryyy slowly. But that's one achievement to at least be proud of now. (:
But tonight, tonight we celebrate!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

Previous Posts
- Bad Luck Befalls MeOn the few days that I decide t...
- Days Crashing On Tim Tams & Milk...I haven't eaten...
- NostalgiaI've just skimmed through some of my much...
- This Is For You,......and you know who you are.'I ...
- A Life Chaotic- ReviewThe exhibition went better t...
- Time To Get SeriousBesides the current tragedy of ...
- The End.I was right.There is no more us,just you o...
- ExhibitionFor those of you who would like to know ...
- Without You, Is There Still Me?It just took a long...
- Panic!After being on holiday(mentally, at least) f...
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