I've just skimmed through some of my much older posts. How things have changed with the years! I am still baffled that I've kept this blog for the past 3 years..yes, THREE years....all because Wan chose to sabotage me with exposing my letter to him onto the internet...long story. But it sort of worked, and I have since filled it with my thoughts, anger(very much of this is seen), melancholy and those nonsensical epiphanies. Thanks wannie. (:
I am constantly lost. But by rereading it, I slowly find myself again.
I wonder if I will keep doing this till I'm forty...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

Previous Posts
- This Is For You,......and you know who you are.'I ...
- A Life Chaotic- ReviewThe exhibition went better t...
- Time To Get SeriousBesides the current tragedy of ...
- The End.I was right.There is no more us,just you o...
- ExhibitionFor those of you who would like to know ...
- Without You, Is There Still Me?It just took a long...
- Panic!After being on holiday(mentally, at least) f...
- 7th January 06 : Of Men & MeHalo celebrated his 35...
- Quick Flashback: My Date With Hweeli & AshThis was...
- I must really apologise for being very neglective ...
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