Monday, October 24, 2005

Days Like These I'd Rather Do Without

I've never felt so much anger building up in me against other people. But last Friday, I just wanted everyone to disappear. Just annihilate everyone. And I mean, EVERYONE! Never before I've felt others' existance so unnecessary, I did all I could from storming off and screaming at everyone like a demented person(I'm quite sure this also stemmed from PPD group project discussion, which I loathe with a passion now...)!

AAaarghhhhhhh!!!!!!Die you motherfuckers, dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

*Sigh*. Am hoping the busy week will keep me sane...or the clay gets it!


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tired Eyes

My eyes have been looking at this screen since I arrived in college at 11:30am. I have been researching my latest project- somehow spoon related and I'm just viewing the endless varieties there are in the world. I've missed one of my lessons today, and I've just rooted myself to the seat in the library, awaiting the golden hour of 6pm, when I can finally break my fast. Might make another batch of minestrone, I am so hungry for hearty hot homemade soup. And since nothing I found on the shelves of the supermarket have tempted me, I resort to my own abilites to satisfy my gastronomic craving.

I am not proud, I should be compiling my work, and doing somemore, but my body seems to be withering away with lethargy. The weather is driving me mad- warm/foggy/chilly/warm/cold/freezing/ get the idea. Still recovering from my bouts of near-collapse and diahorrea, my will is weak as well(at least in terms of being in college doing work). One advantage is, I'm probably not as hungry as I should be. In about two weeks, all of this is over and I can eat myself into oblivion again, if my appetite should return to normal. *sigh.

Last Sunday, met Luisa for her first sushi experience and inspite of being really hungry, just two rolls of Inigiri Sushi and Agedashi Tofu managed to please my starving tummy. The weird thing was, we realized that we were both dressed in our black velvet jackets, very similar in design as well, so we must have looked like quite a pair! It is, Autumn...and I'm sure all those velvet jacket ladies of london will soon be joining us in our merry parade of jackets. Though, when it gets colder...I think it might be cast aside for the ol' faithful heavy long coats that I so loathe wearing...

London has always been a picture of foggy mornings and rain. Summer was nice and sunny in a very strange way. And now, it has finally returned to normal, with the dark dreary skies and showers, unfortunately.

velvet ladies

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I Am Using The Internet And I'm Illegal...

Yes, in college now, and considering that I STILL have not enrolled, I am considered an illegal...but they still let me log on, so ...ah well...I can count so many other people whom, I'm SURE, have forgotten the fact that they have to enroll before the term starts on the 10th.

It is the first day of Ramadan, and it feels strange to be fasting again... good thing it isn't that cold yet, I'm sure my hunger pangs would be worse if it was. All I can think of now is hot soup. ):

Had a full busy week from 8 days ago. Since coming back from Portugal, there has been so much to do- been working almost everyday(actually, I did work everyday for the past 6 days) has taken it's toll on my body. I get so annoyed when I attempt to sleep in from my fatigue but fail to. Been cooking a lot too, experimenting with non-recipe quiche (with Luisa's prior advice),Japanese curry-which I missed but am now sick of, after having it for the past work week! Oh, and of course making use of the leftover tinned food that my housemates have discarded and made tuna pasta bake for Monday's lunch. Mmmmm.....

Celebrated Anna's 22nd birthday at Thai House on Sunday. We had a nice half-price dinner(half-price promotions for everything on the menu till the 15th) then went to see David's new house. Helped Anna and Jens move on Monday, lovely cosy house, though I still prefer mine, hehe....then hung out at Tadim's that same night for I haven't been there in ages!
Met up with Yuko yesterday to spend the day with her, took her around Peckham for food shopping(since she just moved to the area) and later went to IKEA. What an adventure! We took such a long way(1 and a half hour) around to get to the IKEA Croydon, which was so silly, since we found a much shorter way(40mins) on the way back. Silly, but happy people. (: I bought two pots of pansies, one which is yellow/purple and the other white/purple. Went to bed last night tired, but contented.

Ah well, got to run now...I have 4 loads of neglected clothes to be washed...!