Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Don't worry, I didn't go kill myself or anything. Just one of those evil things that periods can do to your state of mind. Am feeling better today, am dragged back to school by ever-faithful friend, which reminds me that I owe a blog. Well, a slightly decent entry anyway.

I have accomplished something that I am quite proud of, which is finally being able to draw people with faces and expressions, something which I have always avioded in my work. They don't look fantastic, but somehow weird and disproportionate, but that's okay, it's progress made anyway.

Been spending more time hanging out at Tadim's, the little Turkish cafe down by Camberwell mainly with Hye Su, my Korean groupmate and friend, and today, we were kindly graced with Luisa's presence. d: Rite..hahaha...
It's getting to be a bad habit, but I've realized one cup of hot chocolate can go so far...ALTHOUGH, it has been very inspiring and being in a relaxed environment really helps the creative juices...

Besides that, life's pretty much samey. Did a photography workshop about lith printing this morning, which was very interesting, but being in the dark for so long infused with the smell of the chemicals was giving me such a bad headache. I need fresh air, and lots of it.

This post ends with encouragement to Luisa to write longer posts in her blog, which is silly, because she is right next to me. Haha. Take heed anyway. (:

Monday, April 25, 2005

I Apologise

It's just one of those days, I feel so alone and antisocial.
I want to only talk to people I don't really know,
and things I don't particularly know about.
I apologise, if I am being nasty, I apologise for being grumpy.
I apologise for my absent smile.
But I don't want to apologise for dwelling in my misery,
I don't regret that the weather reflects how I feel,
I don't apologise for trying to find myself.
So, I don't apologise for wanting to be alone.
I have a right to.
So leave me be.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Hopeful Recovery Of This Mind That's Gone Dry

I need inspiration. BADLY.My tutorial is in half an hour, and my head is blank. I am going though a dry period again, and it has left me feeling helpless again. I have tried watching movies, hoping to ease my thoughts and perhaps notice something new that will trigger a whole string of ideas. It's not coming. *sigh*
What is coming, however, is the usual time-of-the-month friend. I can feel it. Guys are so lucky they will never know what it feels like. I just want to crawl under the covers and go into an endless sleep. Okay, perhaps just with a little cuddling on the side would be nice. Hmmm..idea.

I am growing restless, STILL uninspired, and I can't write. Even all this thinking is giving me a slight headache. *Owwwwwww*.
Damn the weather, it makes me feel guilty to be in bed when it's such a beautiful day. Damn itttt!!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

My Half-Asleep State Of Mind

Been feeling like a walking zombie of late. I don't know why, probably the change in my sleeping habits is taking it's toll on me. Sleeping late, and sleeping in more than I should the morning after. Such a change to the early nights I used to have before, and early mornings following. Looks like a little readjustment is in order.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Sunny Days, I Hope Are Here To Stay,...

Yes, after a bleak soggy week in London,the sun is smiling upon us today, so we shall be contented. The week before last,had a great time just enjoying the weather, took a walk in Hyde Park, St James' Park(which is near Buckingham Palace), breathed in the cool air, and ogled at beautiful spring blooms. Took a walk along the river Thames,and allowed myself to be dragged around shopping a few days before. It was okay though, mildly amusing to find someone who is more enthuiastic about shopping than me. Haha..

Been working these past few days, hoping to replenish the bank account, perhaps to no avail, due to the amount of bills which are to be paid this month.*sigh*...and been neglecting school projects for quite a bit, non-inspired of late.Should start focusing...Back in school, in another week. Where has all my time gone!?!!

Plus, everyone at home is sick, so the house is really quiet, since everyone is low on energy.Recuperation time for everyone, I guess. I hope I don't catch anything from either of them. /:

Really like this picture below. One taken on one of those days, we went out.Just us, the London Eye, in the setting sun.Somehow everything else is out of focus, how did that happen?!!! d:


There is a silly video that goes with this, but we were simply in fits by the end of the day!

Friday, April 01, 2005

These Blogs Are For Myself...

A reminder of what I was thinking,my progression in life,but somehow doesn't really compare to my written diary -of course not.What am I thinking?! There is, no replacement for the sacred handwritten book. Where it is definately a darker place, and it is okay.

Friday afternoon, and I'm hungry, a little upset, but mostly okay, I guess.There is so much I could go on about, but the fingers are reluctant. Most things are better spoken. But what have I got myself into, something which I know will possibly end in half a year? Why have I chosen so? Silly, crying your eyes out will not change anything. So we live, for the moment, the first, the few, the last. There is no bigger risk than the one I have chosen to take now. Perhaps there wasn't any risk worth taking before.

Will go for a walk later, the skies are friendlier and sunny. Lovely day.
I shouldn't spoil it with the mindless banter of my wretched heart.