Friday, August 27, 2004

Obsessions, Obsessing, Obsessed With...

Okay, I'm in love with Buble again. I've gone thru a phase when I couldn't ever listen to jazz again, coz it reminded me that I was once in love. Jazz makes you go all tingly and happy, especially swing music, and that was why I loved it so much. It was painful to listen to, because it reminded me of a certain someone... I guess now I can start listening to it...slowy, weaning myself little by little....I just bought the Michael Buble "Come Fly With Me" dvd...and I'm smitten all over again. *sigh*... (:
November 16-17th, Buble performs at the Royal Albert Hall, London. Well, Royal Albert Hall, here I come!!!

Okay, so I think I have a small little crush on a Singapore Idol-wannabe. He's unconventionally cute, ah-beng-ish(which means hooligan-ish?), and he has a well - an amazing voice. Doesn't quite match his face, but well, he made it to the top ten, which means, he is good. (: I totally support him,I'm not doubting he ISN'T- although I would never ever get to talk to him, or see him in person (although the island IS pretty small and he does, study in a local university) *sigh*...I just hope he gets into the top five or so...If I can, I do want to watch a recording of the Singapore Idol. There isn't much chance of me doing it in London anyhow... Three weeks or so to go...I should be back in London before I know it. Then another reality begins again, it's a rough rollercoaster ride ahead. Then again, it is somewhat exciting...and I think I'm more ready to face it this time.

Down With Love-Michael Buble/Holly Palmer

"Down with love the flowers and rice and shoes
Down with love the root of all midnight blues
Down with things that give you that well-known ping
Take that moon wrap it in cellophane

Down with love let's liquidate all its friends
Moon and June and roses and rainbow's ends
Down with songs that moan about night and day
Down with love yes take it away, away

Far away
Give it back to the birds and bees and the Viennese

Down with eyes romantic and stupid
Down with sighs and down with cupid
Brother let's stuff that dove
Down with love"

Seeking: Mr No-Less-Than-Perfect-Teeth

Yup,me and my teeth fetish. I've been thinking about it, most of my friends do have almost-perfect smiles, and perhaps I am unconsciously biased against imperfect teeth. Like how some people like people with single-eyelids, or pouty lips, or high cheekbones, I guess my obsession is pretty normal. I know some other people agree too.

Seeking: mr no-less-than-perfect-teeth, mr articulate, mr witty, mr intellectual, mr slightly-sensative (none too much of that macho shite, I've had enough!), mr I-know-what-I-want (and knows how to get it), mr straightforward-I-don't-do-mindgames.
Not asking for very much, at least I don't think.

Feeling Like: I Wish I Were In Love Again- Joni Mitchell

"The sleepless nights
The daily fights
The quick toboggan when you reach the heights
I miss the kisses and I miss the bites
I wish I were in love again

The broken dates
The endless waits
The lovely loving and the hateful hates
The conversations with the flying plates
I wish I were in love again

No more pain
No no more strain
Now I’m sane
But I’d rather be punch drunk

The flying fur of cat and cur
The fine mismatching of a him and her
I’ve learned my lesson but
I wish I were in love again

The furtive sigh
The blackened eye
The words I love you ’til the day I die
The self-deception that believes that lie
I wish I were in love again

When love congeals
It soon reveals
The faint aroma of performing seals
The double-crossing of a pair of heels
I wish I were in love again

No more care
No more despair
Now I’m all there
But I’d rather be punch drunk

Believe me sir, I much prefer
The classic battle of a him and her
I don’t like quiet and I wish I were
In love again
In love again"

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Anything, Anything, To Keep My Mind Off Thinking...

Or rather, to stop it from going on overdrive. I'm currently helping Zaihan(Mr Art Director, heee heee...)out on his little project that has him working with MediaCorp, so well, anything to keep me distracted. I've even taken to beading on canvas, a task not to be taken up by the faint-hearted.It's very tiring, sorting out the colours and sticking them on the canvas...I admit, my only defense against insanity is my constant zoning-out(which I seem to do pretty well, these days). It comes to a point when the hand just moves, and the brain just momentarily shuts down.Thing is,it's terribly thereputic.

Helping out with the shoot (doing up the house for the scenes, yada yada yada..) has proven to be such a blessing.It's damn hard work, but in the end, it seems like we're the slightly unglam "Designer Guys". Yup, transforming a space from nothing to something..well, almost.Humour me here. d:

Nothing much has been going on besides that. My social life has come to a stand-still for the meantime, but I guess it doesn't matter as much to me anymore. I just wanna get my ass back to London...ASAP!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Patience Wears Thin...

I am so tired. So exhausted from not being able to cry. My heart feels misplaced, and my body is just a foreign object, incapable of feelings. I don't feel like I know who I am anymore, sometimes I zone out as if I were a separate person, looking at me. I am three people, trying very hard to be strong. I fell down yesterday, and my right leg is bruised. But all I knew was that something was broken that is not my leg. Physical pain doesn't hurt anymore. I am so tired of wanting to pretend that everything is okay, when it obviously is not. I surround myself in music again, lyrics, and indulge in occassional calls. When I can afford the conversation. Silence is less energy-consuming. At least for now.

Listening To: Dry Your Eyes, by The Streets.

A very appropriate Song, from a friend. Thanks Colin.

"In one single moment your whole life can turn 'round
I stand there for a minute starin’ straight into the ground
Lookin’ to the left slightly, then lookin’ back down
World feels like it’s caved in – proper sorry frown
Please let me show you where we could only just be, for us
I can change and I can grow or we could adjust
The wicked thing about us is we always have trust
We can even have an open relationship, if you must
I look at her she stares almost straight back at me
But her eyes glaze over like she’s lookin’ straight through me
Then her eyes must have closed for what seems an eternity
When they open up she’s lookin’ down at her feet

Dry your eyes mate
I know it’s hard to take but her mind has been made up
There’s plenty more fish in the sea
Dry your eyes mate
I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts
But you’ve got to walk away now
It’s over "

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Listening To: Snow Patrol-How To Be Dead

"Please keep your hands down
And stop raising your voice
It's hardly what I'd be doing if you gave me a choice
It's a simple suggestion can you give me sometime
So just say yes or no
Why can't you shoulder the blame
Coz both my shoulders are heavy
From the weight of us both
You're a big boy now so let's not talk about growth
You've not heard a single word I have said...
Oh, my God

Please take it easy it can't all be my fault
I haven't made half the mistakes
That you've listed so far..."

In contemplation...Still. Don't know what's come over me.

And The Question Is...

Do ants sleep? Really, I know this is totally random, but it struck me as something I should look up on when my mother told my sister(the avid fanatic of killing ants with pure skill by crushing them between her fingers), that there were no ants that early in the morning to kill because they were probably asleep. Hence the thought. Interesting... The answer? >>Some ants are sleeping like behavior have been observed: some workers of a colony laying around in a so-called sleeping position (Australian Carpenter Ants, Camponotus perthiana). When they are "awakened", they show a sluggishly moving. --E.O. Wilson

Other comments from my observations from Camponotus. Actually,a friend noticed this watching them on my TV. It seems that at least my carpenters will go into a kind of meditation or relaxed state. One can see their legs waving slightly. Many times a whole chamber will do this for a few minutes at a time until another worker comes in and wakes them up -- or one of them just spontaneously wakes up.

Why this is done? I think in many cases that most ants in a colony are just biding their time -- waiting between feedings or cleaning, etc. They act as a reserve for the colony. I think their "sleep" or "meditation" as I call it, may be important for
other reasons than we suspect. I am doing research with someone on this topic and hope to have more soon. It could be to conserve some kind of resource (say food). I personally think this is an unanswered question. Most ants don't sleep for eight hours, then wake up and work all day. It seems their cycle is much shorter - though when they forage outside they obviously don't do this.-Mr. Ant

I know this is quite a bit to digest, but well, we learn something new everyday, don't we? Even if it's about our tiny little friends...