Thursday, March 29, 2007

On A Lighter Note...

Here we are, pulled out from the depths of my hard drive, courtesy of Karen's camera...*drumroll*......the girls as boys!
Just goes to show, what you can do, with a bit of time, someone's crazy idea, crazy glasses and moustaches in a toyshop!

**By the way, I also updated my with bits from yesterday's filming of 'Las Pepper Sisters', so please have a look!

Misao, Nori, Sam, Claudia

Misao, Nori,
Sam, Karen

I Miss My Long Hair...

I do. After all the hassle of waiting for it to grow in five years, I cut it off. Was I crazy? Possibly.
I miss my long hair. I do.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

One That Made Me Laugh...

I love the 'toothpaste for dinner' website. I found a comic today that I really wanna dedicate to my fellow lazy blogger friends...
I know I'm guilty of the same, but at least I try harder!

So here's a little push for all of us in the right direction, hopefully!

6 Days In My Head

A summary of what kind of days I allow myself to have:

TL 1. whoopie-good day
TR 2. just-an-okay day
ML 3. let-me-sleep-a-little-more day
MR 4. wished-the-bus-ran-me-over-bad day
BL 5. let's-just-get-this-over-with day
BR 6. sic-*atishoo!* day
7. ...and on the 7th,..I don't draw and relax!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

They Took Away His Chocolate Fountain

It's strange the little things you notice about places and things that could easily escape other people. It's these little things, silly as they may be, make me smile as though it's a little secret of mine. Just mine alone and the other party involved of course (usually the person I'm watching, but they don't necessarily know that I know). I was at Tottenham Ct Road today and while waiting for my bus, I realized that the guy who sells waffles and crepes in the corner in this tiny minimart didn't have his amazing chocolate fountain (that I used to drool over whenever I passed) anymore. It was the only waffle place on that road that caught my eye because of that adorable mini chocolate fountain...I mean..what else, right?
And now it's gone. Whoever they are, they probably took his chocolate fountain away. Shame.
Now when I pass by, I try to give him a knowing smile like,' I don't understand why they took it...shame.' Now he just pours microwaves chocolate from the bottle. The bastards!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Going Cuckoo

I've been drawing/making so many birdies, I think all this bird-talk has gone to my head.
Did some new drawings that I contemplate sending in for this t-shirt design competition in Japan, called Graniph Awards.
Wish me luck and here are the birdies!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Week Of Gigs

Last Saturday, it was The Killers. The Black Rebel Motorcycle Club opened for them and they were a very good opening act, to my surprise. The Killers were AWESOME, performing for a whole two hours!!! I didn't think I would be too impressed, considering this was my first rock gig ever in my life...well, on this scale anyway, which was at a massive venue- Wembley Arena. Despite of myself, I found myself jumping around like everyone else rockin to Mr Brightside and all my other favourite tunes. It was such a great atmosphere, there wasn't one person I observed- male or female that wasn't singing along to the songs. After a week of stressing, it was a great release!!! Gosh, I wished I could go to all the other Killers gigs! Of course, the company I was with helped set the mood- Sam and Grant, who were also unashamedly singing along and jumping behind me. (: Oh, and oh...Brandon Flowers...... mmm.... d:

Then a few days later, there was James Morrison at The Hammersmith Apollo. Katrine, Sam and I agreed that given three months ago when we were all very much into his music, it would have made more sense to go. Now, three months down the road, we weren't as keen as before. And after The Killers gig, Sam and I agreed that nothing else could compare! BUT we did have a good time admist the annoying teenagers and shakey first support act (who, by the way, was a girl who played the guitar and sounded like James Blunt. Eeriee...). There was a redeeming factor to the gig, whose name was Newton Faulkner ( He's an amazing performer, who sings with as much passion as his guitar playing. The things he does with his guitar was just astounding!!! He is a one-man-band, delivering a touching cover of Massive Attack's 'Teardrop' after a sucession of his self-written songs and ending on a hight note with a the very convincing Spongbob Squarepants performance. (: He's 21, but he's so talented, I'm jealous!

Anyway, enough of that for now...that's as much excitement as I can take. Now's back to work for me. There's so much more to do!!!