Monday, August 21, 2006


That describes the best of my week. Pretty much scary.
For my last lifeline, I called up my tutor in panic (as we were adviced to do) only to find that she's gone away for three weeks. *sigh* ...

I've just realized that I was supposed to hand in my exhibition work today, but erm, forgot.
I think this is horrible. Gotta get my ass back in gear, my head on straight.

Still, it's very sad to see his room empty. Sad and strange.

On a lighter note, I've made these monster paperclips to attach my cover-letters to my cv.
Am thinking of making more and selling them in a pack of three.
Any takers?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

I Wonder What Getting Drunk Feels Like...

Sometimes I wished I could abuse substances(be it alcohol or drugs) to deal with the pain.
The one person I've gotten so attached to is moving out. And may leave the country for good.
Of the six cvs I've sent out, I've already had two Nos. Too late.
Everything's just too late.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


I hate...fart spray. Someone musthave sprayed the entire store with it. If I catch the crazy bugger, I'll trample him to death. Or hit them very hard with the giant pencils we sell.

I am feeling the lack of friends. One is on a raft somewhere in Africa...others are...well, away.
I wanna go away.

A ponytail of my hair lies in a plastic bag by my bed. Whatever shall I do with it.....?


Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Mr P. is moving out.
This is the end. The end of our one and a half years.
And I am sad. I don't think I can deal with it.

Catching Up

Been awhile since I blogged,...or done anything productive, I suppose.
Since the departure of my mum and sis, I've been lying in bed on my days off, mostly contemplating:

1) if anyone is going to hire me for a work placement in October, seeing as that I have not even got my CV done up properly.
2) if I crossed the road reeeeallllly slowly, a bus might hit me.
3) if I will actually sell my work.
4) when my cash flow problems will stop.
5) whether I can learn to save so that my cash flow problems will stop.
6) I need a sewing machine. And an airbrush kit.
7) more money to buy fimo clay to make work.
8) I should move and live with students who aren't uptight asses.
9) how I can get a job here and not go home.
10) have money to go home for holidays, coz I miss my friends.
11) my hair bothers me and I want to get it cut, but where?
12) that this should have been higher up the list- but have not started making anything for my upcoming exhibition on the 20th!
13) AND generally panicking.

...So half of summer is gone and I have done jackshit.
So I lie in bed somemore.

But, yesterday I got asked to make little commissions for presents (from my fimo clay) for my housemate Diana. So I get paid for my work. I don't think very much, but I guess it's got to do for now.

That and get a haircut next week.
I'm sick of all this hair, takes up too much shampoo and conditioner! ):

Yesterday, I met up with Goncalo (now also known affectionately as Dicky Loggy, if he's being an idiot) for breakfast by the river at Giraffe. Had pancakes with blueberries and bananas with maple syrup..and hot chocolate with marshmallows in between discussing our script for our little film/animation.

That was the one productive thing I did yesterday.
We went to the National Portrait Gallery to look at my classmate David's work. I'm in all envy.
And then I went to Foyles to look at the children's books for a good part of the day.
And helped Diana get her boxes out of storage in the evening.

That's all I did.
Oh and I managed to finish off my CV booklet.
So that's two productive things I did yesterday.

Today is just about paperwork and cooking Friday, Saturday and Sunday's packed lunch for work.
We can't aim too high now, can we?

P/s: I'm not itching anymore. Apparently the itch I got wasn't eczema, but some allergy to an insect bite.
And it's started to get cold again, raining.
I love Michael Buble when it rains.