Monday, December 29, 2003

And Then...

It gets all quiet again. So much has happened during the holidays, I really don't know where to start. Things are starting to calm down abit, after all the crazyness around Christmas, and people will slowly start pouring in again back to the halls soon, with college starting next week for some. I missed all my friend who have gone home, and I really can't wait for them to come back and exchange all their stories from their homeland. One thing I love about London is the diversity of cultures my group of friends are from.

Started on my new job about two weeks ago, earning about £6.67/hr, but the hours have been long and tiring. The manager's such a bitch, but I'm getting used to her nagging at me all the time, and I guess there's always more pressure because I'm still new. Should be getting my pay very soon now, and well, I think I've earned it well, coz I've worked so hard, and did extra hours, to earn a little bit more to at least survive comfortably for the next few months. Hobbs is quite posh, with customers spending £300-£400 at one go, and that, I think kind of terrifies me- their spending power. It is great, though, because if the shop does well, we get pay raise as bonuses as well. (:

My search for a new love is still on, but I really hope it would end soon, before I just give up. Perhaps things will look up in the coming new year, or maybe something really good is going to happen when I least expect it. It's always the case. If we wait for it, it never happens, and if we don't, we always are pleasantly surprised by it.
We shall see, won't we?

Will be going to a club later this evening, with Michelle, to see Luke play. He's going to be spinning tonight, and invited me down to see him. I kinda have an idea on the music he's gonna be playing, so it should be good. Will crash over at Michelle's tonight, as there will be nobody to come pick me up from halls. I'm so excited!!!

If I fail to put in another entry anytime soon, Happy New Year to all, and may all your new year's resolutions be fulfilled! I'd be going to see a gig by Mr Scruff, in central London with the girls, so it should be kewl!
How are you going to be celebrating the New Year, this time? (:

Monday, December 15, 2003

And Sometimes I Think...

I'd be better off shutting this page down since it's so dead anyways...

Friday, December 12, 2003

Love Actually...

was quite a good movie, I must admit. Although it did get me a little sentimental, especially when they showed people in embrace at the airport, and all I wished for was to be home. And of course, my favourite scene was when the guy (who videotaped his best friend's wife during their wedding), came over to his best friend's house with white boards and silently showed the girl his feelings towards her. I felt for him, though. ): That was really sweet and romantic. How come such men don't exist? hmmmm..

It *was* weird watching the movie, and since it was being shot around London, it was even a weirder feeling, since I recognized the characters being in the different places, and it was surreal. It's like watching a Singaporean movie back home.
Ah well...

Everyday's A Party

Ok, so I admit, not having blogged for ages, I apologise. Last week was my birthday, so gimme a break. The gerls brought me out for dinner on Saturday, to this Japanese restaurant, Misato, and they got me cake and orange lilies. We waited an hour to get in, in the freezing cold, and another half hour (almost) coz Michelle came late. *sigh* On Sunday, went to get my UK line for my mobile with Umar, and had to go back again in the same day coz they didn't top-up the cash properly. Starved till 7pm when my flatmates cooked me a surprise dinner (Japanese food, again..), and Shin and Seikichi bought me my favourite sushi (sweet omelette roll). Dinner was very filling, and it was so sweet of them. Went to a lil Christmas party at the AB Block, and counted down to my birthday. Saka got shit drunk, and well, I was so knocked out at the end of it all, and still had college the next morning. The boy of my affection (who happens to be in my class), gave me a birthday hug and asked me what I wanted for a present. And well, he gave me his mobile number as well. What more could a girl ask for? *heheeehheee...*
Went to another party at Brixton the same nite, but came home early coz it wasn't that happening. It was nice being able to be dressed up, though. A real gerl's night out. And on Tuesday, Louise got me a bouquet of loveeeellyyyyy flowers, and I was so touched, I kept on hugging her! Saka got me two pairs of funky earrings, and Esther bought me legwarmers. (:
Went to *another* party on Wednesday night at Wimbeldon,and that was so happening! Stayed till about 2:30am, and was totally knackered when we got back.
Had Sarah's going-away dinner yesterday at the Italian restaurant at Tooting, and me and Esther are celebrating Camille's birthday today. Gosh, this whole week has been non-stop going out!!!! And I start work on Saturday and Sunday.....
*sigh*...Don't know if I'll survive tomorrow, but hey, I had fun...just a lil ill and lost my voice, that's all. d: