Thursday, March 17, 2005

Love Me If You Dare

I managed to get a copy of the dvd, from HMV yesterday, thanks to Mr G. I watched it when I got home, after Jamie's School Dinners and Desperate Housewives, my usual dose on a Wednesday night. The story is very enchanting, but somehow beautifully tragic. Although I thought the end was a little bit of a disappointment, but perhaps I am confused. I have to watch it again to analyse it fully.

Two days before I fly off to the Big Apple. Somewhat apprehensive, but my German friends excitement are starting to rub off. Perhaps that is good, but not looking forward to meeting at 6.30 in the morning just to get to the Birmingham airport by train.*sigh* Just me and a big empty bag, probably. Well, just in case I decide to have a nice shop, since I have been very good and controlling my desires for material things...till yesterday, at least. But hey, I'm going on holiday, so I'm allowed, no?! I'm working tomorrow, my last chance to earn some extra moolah, so I don't have to fret over not having enough for rent when I come home. And who knows, if I'm lucky, someone's gonna fetch me from the airport when I get back, and rescue me from the bustling London crowd... (:

Its been warmer, these two days, no more heavy coats, and my magazine group (Luisa,Paul,Anna,Jens,Hye Su and Echao) are loving hanging out on my roof terrace,...for tea, conversations and proper meetings too. By the time I get home from NY, it's going to be properly warm, almost summer, and more sun! Yay! Walks in the parks would be nice...

Only thing, it is freezing in NY now, about 1-8 degrees celcius, so..we're going a little back in time, because London has stopped being so cold, so...we have to pack extra...what a pain..Well, I'll just pray it'll be nice weather at least to walk around..who knows, it might be warmer than I think it is!

*This might be my last entry before I leave, so...see you guys in a bit!
Happy Easter holidays everyone!!!!!!!!

**Just so you know, the mood is a special tribute for my coming trip... hehehe.. tacky, I know.I couldn't possibly resist... d:


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